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7 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
AFK team mrProfile Shader v0.61
100 KB
Compiled / Description

mrProfiler is a profiling shader that is totally non-intrusive to the render process itself, and which produces as output a heatmap and a threadmap of the rendering process. This allows you to see the amount of render time spent on each individual pixel in the image, and shows clearly which parts of the image take a very long time or no time at all.

The threadmap which is stored in the alpha channel of the output image shows the distribution of different threads spanned by mental ray to render the image. The number of threads in the image does not necessarily correspond to the amount of CPU or hardware threads available on your machine. The mental ray message window also contains additional information produced by mrProfiler to further understand how many threads were used in the image, making it easier to understand the color coding in the threadmap.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Ben Rogall Stamp v1.0
173 KB
Compiled / Description

This output shader stamps text onto a frame or pass, and can also automatically stamp the frame number.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: No
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Florian Wild Out_Tonemap v1.0
3 KB
Compiled / Description

This is an output shader for performing tone-mapping on your rendered images. For a full description of the settings look in the mental ray helpfile under 'Functions for shaders / IMG Functions'.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: No
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Jan Sandström JS_Glare v1.0
36.2 KB
Compiled / Description

JS_Glare is an output shader that will add glow to bright areas of the image.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Pavel Ledin p_OpenEXR_saver v3.4 beta 8
5.17 MB
Compiled / Description

An output shader for saving images in the OpenEXR format.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Pavel Ledin P_math_output v3.4 beta 8
5.17 MB
Compiled / Description

P_math_output is an output shader for performing math operations on the rendered image.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Stephen Gustafson Output Grayscale v1.0
40.8 KB
Compiled / Description

This is an output shader for turning your renders into greyscale images.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: No