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25 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
AFK team mrPainter Shader v0.50b
296 KB
Compiled / Description

This shader tries to mimic a painterly artistic look seen on classic oil paintings but using mental ray. This is not done via a post-processing effect as an image manipulation filter, but actually just cleverly places samples using a lens shader and puts the results back together in a final output shader with some additional filtering. It isn't perfect yet since the pattern that currently emerges is a bit too regular, but it is really quick, so you could use it as an extremly quick preview render as it gives better results than the standard low sampling options.

There are a couple of restrictions with this shader
- other post processing / output shaders won't work with this
- third party lens shaders won't work with this
- exposure controls are currently ignored

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Aloys Baillet lmWarpDistort v1.0.2
83.8 KB
Compiled / Description

The lmWarpDistort shader is a lens shader that changes the rays directions according to its distortion parameters. The main advantage of this shader is that it doesn't crop images when the distortion is applied: rays are just distorted.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: No
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Daniel F. Ott Angular Fisheye Lenses v1.0
20.8 KB
Compiled / Description

This shader contains 2 shaders which both use the Angular Fisheye Projection and Offaxis Fisheye Projection methods to produce fisheye images. The domeAFL_FOV shader is used when the artist wants to generate the fisheye images by specifying the field-of-view. If the intended dome is of odd dimensions, the domeAFL_WxH shader can be used to calculate the field-of-view from the dome's diameter and height.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
David Lanier DL3D_BlackspotsRemover v1.0
13.9 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a lens shader for removing black squares caused by floating point problems (NAN - not a number). It is especially useful when using final gathering. You know that you've got NAN problems when you increase the filter size and your black squares increase as well. The black pixels are replaced during rendering by the color set in the parameters.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Holger Schönberger BA_dof v24.02
3.10 MB
Compiled / Description

This shader computes Depth Of Field for your camera, and has the following features:
- Sharp object sets the sharp location in your scene
- You can define how many samples are spread by the shader
- You can select a round or facetted lens shape
- You can emulate lenses with color/intensity falloffs to the edge
- Special output modes which can be used to tweak the shader
- You can render the distance to the sharp point as grayscale image
- You can show the sampling level of the shader
- Sample color difference shows the average contrast of the samples

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Holger Schönberger BA_lens_antiNAN v24.02
3.10 MB
Compiled / Description

A lens shader for helping to get rid of black NAN pixels in your renders. It doesn't solve the problem, but it helps to cover it up.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Jan Sandström JS_ExposureControl v1.1
46.7 KB
Compiled / Description

JS_ExposureControl is a lens shader with controls for exposure, contrast, white balance, saturation and color filter.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Jan Sandström JS_Fisheye v1.0
34.3 KB
Compiled / Description

JS_fisheye is a fisheye lens shader. It is not a physically correct fisheye lens, it merely bends the rays away from the camera axis depending on their angle to the camera axis.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Jan Sandström JS_Panoramic v1.0
28.5 KB
Compiled / Description

JS_panoramic is a 360° panoramic lens shader with a field of view parameter to make it work from 0° to 360°.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Li Liu al_Sphere_lens v1.121
523 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a panoramic lens shader with the following options: 0 - Spherical map, 1 - Light probe map, 2 - Cylinder map.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: No

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