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10 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
igsiv is_miObject v1.0
19.8 KB
Compiled / Description

A geometry shader which allows you to adjust supersampling individually by object and store FinalGather maps in separate files by object.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: No
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Max Tarpini ctrl_Ghost Settings v1.4
146 KB
Compiled / Description

Ghost Settings unlocks a few hidden features in mental ray 3.8+ (only ships with Max 2011), namely importons and irradiance particles.

Importons can be used as an importance based merging function for global illumination photons, or by Irradiance Particles when both GI and FG are disabled. Irradiance Particles (short: IP) is a global illumination technique which, in many cases, is superior to final gather and/or photon mapping in terms of image quality, usability and performance.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Max Tarpini ctrl_Ghost Settings v1.3
146 KB
Compiled / Description

Ghost Settings unlocks a few hidden features in mental ray 3.7+ (only ships with Max 2010), namely importons and irradiance particles.

Importons can be used as an importance based merging function for global illumination photons, or by Irradiance Particles when both GI and FG are disabled. Irradiance Particles (short: IP) is a global illumination technique which, in many cases, is superior to final gather and/or photon mapping in terms of image quality, usability and performance.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Max Tarpini ctrl_Ghost Settings v1.2
138 KB
Compiled / Description

Ghost Settings unlocks a few hidden features in mental ray 3.6+ (only ships with Max 2009), namely importons and irradiance particles.

Importons can be used as an importance based merging function for global illumination photons, or by Irradiance Particles when both GI and FG are disabled. Irradiance Particles (short: IP) is a global illumination technique which, in many cases, is superior to final gather and/or photon mapping in terms of image quality, usability and performance.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Max Tarpini ctrl_Object v1.0
126 KB
Compiled / Description

This shader adds a few missing options to mental ray in Max: per-object anti-aliasing, per-object FG files, labels and more.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Nanhua NSLib_Geo_Userlight v1.0
809 KB
Compiled / Description

NSLib_Geo_Userlight is a utility geometry shader. Because NSLib_Skylight needs a user-defined area light source (which isn't properly supported in Max), you need this geometry shader to modify the relative fields of the light object.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
NVIDIA ARC GmbH Alembic Import Shader v3.0
5.09 MB
Compiled / Description

This is a new version of the abcimport shader that is compatible with mental ray for Max 2015.

The new features are:
- Adds support for hair import
- Adds support for Maya faceset materials
- Adds support for user data
- Adds subdivision control for hair, NURBS and SubD surfaces
- Fixes motion blur issues

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Pavel Ledin P_shader_replacer v3.4 beta 8
5.17 MB
Compiled / Description

This geometry shader allows you to override other shaders in your scene. Most useful when working with Fur.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Pavel Ledin P_MegaTK_pass v3.4 beta 8
5.17 MB
Compiled / Description

P_MegaTK_pass is a geometry shader which is needed when rendering passes with p_MegaTK.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
slide limited slideElements 2009.05.18
4.73 MB
Compiled / Description

slideElements enables you to easily save multiple Max render elements to a single OpenEXR file for use in compositing.

Essentially, you add all the render elements you want to your scene as usual, and set them all to save to a dead .exr file. You then add the new slideElements shader to a 'mr Shader' object in your scene and drag this shader to the material editor. In there, you set a filename and a path, and then tell it the order in which your chosen elements appear in the render element list. When each frame has been rendered, it'll bake all these elements into a single file (with a frame number added). It also converts the ObjectID pass into a series of (up to 100) individual mask channels labelled the same as the ObjectID.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes