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166 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Conny Klasson Scene Export Utility v1.4
24 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This is a simple plugin for exporting your scene to a *.txt file.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Credo Interactive Inc. Life Forms Studio 4 Translator v6.0
719 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This translator allows Max users to import and export Life Forms files (*.lfa) directly.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Crytek GmbH CryENGINE2 Exporter v1.2
417 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Exports scene information from Max to the proprietary CryENGINE2 formats, as used in Crysis. It allows you to export the following types of information:
- Bone animation and Biped data (*.CAF files)
- Geometric information (*.CGF or *.CGA files)

The plugins are part of the Crysis MOD SDK v1.2, which is over 400 MB in size
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Crytek GmbH Cry Exporter v1.0.0.1014
31.9 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Exports scene information from Max to the proprietary CryEngine formats, as used in FarCry. It allows you to export the following types of information:
- Bone animation and Biped data (*.CAF files)
- Geometric information (*.CGF or *.CGA files)
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Cycore Computer Cult 3D Exporter v4.0.4.59
1.31 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This pack allows you to export objects or scenes from Max to the Cult3D Designer software where you can create Cult3D Animation objects.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Dark Industries LLC. Max2DTS Exporter v1.3
545 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This plugin is part of the Torque Game Engine SDK, and enables export of objects, characters and animations to the DTS file format required by the game engine.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
David Arendash X3D Exporter v1.0 alpha
253 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Based on the Mark Callow VRML exporter, this plugin exports to the X3D (VRML3) format. Features include:
- Backward-compatible with VRML97 scenes and helpers
- Classic VRML encoding and XML encoding flavors of X3D
- Multi-texture support - diffuse, self-illum (shadows), and bump (normals)
- More DEF's, notably on Inlines, ImageTextures, and others
- Some bug fixes, including memory leaks and crashers
- Can create a LoadSensor
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
David Cuthbert Falcon 4 LOD Exporter v0.3
89.3 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This exporter takes the geometry data from your Max scene and saves it in Falcon 4 format. In addition to the export plugin there are also a number of modifiers and helpers, which are used to emulate some of the functionality of the Falcon 4 file format so it can be exported.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Digitalmindsoft MDL Exporter v8.0
8.78 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Allows you to create and export your own vehicles in the *.MDL format for use in Men of War.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Discreet MeshPorter v1.0
6.5 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Exports meshes to C++ code, usable as Max object plugins.

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