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166 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Bolthouse Software Unwrap3D Importer / Exporter v3.50.69
4.82 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Allows Max to import and export files for Ultimate Unwrap3D, a specialised tool for unwrapping 3D models. It includes an easy-to-use UV coordinate editor, a standard set of UV mapping projections such as planar, box, cylindrical, and spherical, as well as advanced UV mapping projections such as face mapping, camera mapping, and unwrap faces for those difficult to map areas on a model.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Bruno Heidelberger Cal3D Exporter v1.7.4
2.06 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This plugin exports skeletal based character models and their animations from Max into cal3d files.

Cal3d is a skeletal based 3D character animation library written in C++ in a platform-/graphic API-independent way. Originally designed to be used in a 3D client for Worldforge, it evolved into a stand-alone product which can be used in many different kinds of projects.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Bruno Heidelberger / IMVU Inc. IMVU Cal3D Exporter v0.9.1
2.85 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This is a Max exporter for IMVU (an avatar-based social network and virtual world) based on the Cal3D Open Source code.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Cannonfodder Half-Life 2 SMD Importer v0.1.3a
22.8 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This plugin imports Half-Life 2 SMD's. It can load both reference and animation SMD's. It supports weights in the SMD file and will create a skin modifer for the reference model, it can also rebuild the smoothing groups from the vertex normals in the SMD file although this can take some time if the model is large.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Cannonfodder Half-Life 2 SMD Exporter v2.03
50.9 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This is a modified version of the Valve SMD exporter which exports Half-Life 2 SMD's from Max. It supports Physique, Skin, and Bones Pro, as well as blending of vertices. Also included is a compiled version of the Valve VTA exporter used in creating facial animations using the morpher modifer.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Chris Cookson Enhanced MD3 Exporter v3.0
16.8 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This is an improved version of Pop'N'Fresh's MD3 exporter for creating Quake 3 models in Max. The following major fixes and features have been implemented:
- Correct normal export, taking into account smoothing groups
- Bounding box calculation for each frame
- Improved error checking and validation
- Exports valid Q3A path names (no backslashes)
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Christer Janson ASCII Importer v1.0
66 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

These are recompiles of an old plugin for Max allowing ASCII Scene import.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Christoph Kubisch F3D Exporter v1.8
2.73 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Enables Max to export F3D and MA files for use with Luxinia, an easy-to-use 3D engine. F3D files support multiple meshes, helper objects, skinned/physiqued objects and multi-materials. MA files are for animations, exporting animation keys with an optional snapshot every 'nth' frame.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Clockstone Software RTX Export v2.11
127 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

RTX export is an extended ASE exporter for Max. It has a lot of enhancements, the most interesting for most users may be a fully working Biped, Physique and Skinning export.

In addition to the standard ASE features it implements following stuff:
- Local transform matrices and vertices
- Skinning
- Physique, biped
- Bones, biped-bones
- Target nodes
- Light color animation
- Visibility animation
- Camera FOV animation
- Visibility information
- Atmospheric (StdFog) export
- Morph modifier
- User properties
- Map animation (UV offset, UV tile, UVW angle)
- Fog color animation
- Light attenuation parameter animation
- Material ambient/diffuse/specular/selfillumation color animation
- Optimizing texture coordinates
- BoneInitTM calculation for mirrored bones
- PivotTM (object offset transformation)
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
CMU Entertainment Technology Center Panda3D Importer / Exporter v1.9.2
83.1 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Exports Max scenes to the .EGG file format used by Panda3D, and also includes an EGG file importer.

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