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166 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Softimage, Co. / Michael Lawler dotXSI 3.0 Exporter v1.9
606 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This exporter generates a Softimage dotXSI 3.0 file (supporting both ASCII and binary formats). This work is a major modification based on the source code for the Softimage Co. dotXSI xChange for 3ds Max Project (dotXSIMax v1.7). See the detailed readme file for installation, features, and usage. Also made available is the legacy FAQ from the Softimage Co. describing the features supported in the original 1.7 version.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Spring RTS S3O Exporter v1.0
45.6 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Exports meshes from Max to the *.S3O file format used by Spring, a versatile open-source multi-platform RTS Engine.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Stan Melax EZMesh Exporter v1.0
134 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

EZMesh is a plugin and script for Max that exports models into a very simple format that you can easily load into a 3D application or game. It is intended to be a reference implementation for anyone out there interested in exporting art.

The exporter supports bones and skinned meshes that use Max's skin modifier. The bones can be any type of node (don't have to be Max bones) and can be animated. During export, the mesh is processed so that it takes into account smoothing groups and does what is needed for those places on the mesh that aren't smooth such as where the same point has different normals depending on which triangle is being drawn. The tangent space basis is also calculated (used by many shaders such as bumpmapping, parallax). If the mesh is manifold, the exporter also generates bevel triangles so the mesh can be extruded in a vertex shader to compute shadow volumes.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Superscape PLC Swerve2 Exporter v2.1.334
2.68 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

The Swerve2 (M3G) Exporter is a plugin that lets you export content in M3G (Mobile 3D Graphics) format for inclusion in Java applications based on the JSR184 - Mobile 3D API for J2ME.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Sylic Games MDL Exporter v1.0
47 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Allows Max to export the MDL4 file format used by Conitecs' Game Studio.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
tazpn NIF Import / Export v3.4.2.4632
7.26 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Enables you to create and edit content stored in the NetImmerse File Format. NIF files store the 3D models used in several popular PC games based on the NetImmerse/Gamebryo game engine.The plugin also contains the NIF Props utility for setting collision mesh, material and layer attributes, as well as the NIF Furniture object for placing furniture markers in scenes.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
tazpn MDB Importer / Exporter v2.3.1
1.75 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Allows you to import and export MDB files for use in Neverwinter Nights 2.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
tazpn / figment NIF Import / Export v3.8.0
14.1 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Enables you to create and edit content stored in the NetImmerse File Format. NIF files store the 3D models used in several popular PC games based on the NetImmerse/Gamebryo game engine. The plugin also contains the NIF Props utility for setting collision mesh, material and layer attributes, as well as the NIF Furniture object for placing furniture markers in scenes.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Techland Xpand Rally Exporter v1.0
29.8 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Exports meshes to the .3da file format used for creating custom cars for Xpand Rally.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
TerraSim, Inc. TSGtoMAX v1.0
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

TSGtoMAX allows TerraTools users to import their Tiled Scene Graph (TSG) format databases directly into Max, allowing you to:
- create more realistic renderings including complex lighting and shadows
- import a highly accurate geospatial environment for use as a locale for your movie or video game
- add highly detailed architectural models into their urban context
- perform solar paths and shadow studies
- build large area visualizations for Max automatically using GIS and CAD data

Only available to registered TerraTools users.

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