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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Aliaksandr Zelianko | Region Render MXS v1.0 531 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
15.02.2007 This extension is part of the Region Renderer tool (RRtool), which allows you to render your scene directly in the viewport by drawing a region to be rendered. This plugin is not for commercial use, if you want to use it commercially, you can buy it here. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Chris Johnson | MXS ActiveX v1.0 51.1 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
22.04.2005 This fixes a problem in Max with methods that are members of an AX object that take 2 or more parameters. The method would fail with an unknown system error. With this plugin, methods of this sort should now work, up to and including 5 arguments. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Chris Johnson | PowerButton v1.0 26.7 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
13.05.2005 This is a MAXScript extension that creates a new more powerful button for MAXScript. It supports the following new events: - On click - On double click - On left mouse button down - On left mouse button up - On middle mouse button down - On middle mouse button up - On right mouse button down - On right mouse button up There is also support for capturing the position inside the button where the mouse clicked when the left mouse button is released. PowerButton also supports bitmaps and is fully customizable with user defined colors for the body, text and border. Best of all, Powerbutton does not display an ugly raised border. It's flat. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Chris Johnson | Determinant v1.0 73.3 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
28.01.2005 A determinant is a mathematical structure that is used in linear algebra and is useful for solving linear systems and for computing the inverse of matrices. This is a MAXScript extension that creates a determinant class in MAXScript that is a concrete primary class. Much like the integer or float or matrix class is a concrete data type in MAXScript, so also is this determinant. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Chris Johnson | GetColorPicker v1.0 26.2 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
11.11.2004 This extension gives access to the color picker dialog in MAXScript. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Chris Johnson | ChrisTools v0.3 32.7 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
16.02.2005 This MAXScript extension has 3 miscellaneous tools. The following functions are included: - IntervalArray: This creates an array from integer interval steps between two float values. - formatf: This formats a float value to a string without casting it in scientific notation. This has an option as to how many decimal places are included. - sprintf: A wrapper to the C / C++ function of the same name. This is an advanced function, and is similar to the MAXScript 'format' tool, only it's a little more advanced. However at this time it only takes 1 value and converts it. Future versions will take multiple values. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Grant Adam | RPManager Extension v6.0.0.56 25.6 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
18.06.2006 This extension enables MAXScript access for the commercial script RPManager and the freeware script PSDPathUnwrapper. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
John Burnett | fooLib v14.0 145 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
26.02.2004 FooLib is a collection of interfaces containing new functions and properties for use in MAXScript. - IFooAdvancedLighting - Provides access to the Advanced Lighting dialog - IFooBitmap - Methods for working with Bitmap files and values - IFooFile - Methods for working with external files and directories - IFooInfo - Provides information on FooLib itself - IFooMaxFile - Methods for working with external Max files - IFooMesh - Methods for working with mesh objects - IFooModifier - Methods for working with modifiers - IFooParticle - Methods for working with particle systems - IFooScript - Methods dealing with MAXScript - IFooSystem - Exposes Windows system related functions - IFooUtil - A catch-all collection of methods that don't fit in any other category - IFooViewport - Provides access to Max viewports - FooPointOctree - An octree data-structure that holds a set of points, and is used to accellerate searches within that set - LapTimer - A high-precision timer - VertexTMArray - Hold arrays of Matrix3 values which transform between world space and vertex space of a given node |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Jonathan Garcia | Endian v1.0 11.4 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
02.06.2007 A small MAXScript extension for converting little-endian floats to big-endian floats. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Jonathan Garcia | Browse for Folder v1.0 4 KB |
MAXScript Extension |
Compiled / Description | ||
13.09.2006 This MAXScript extension mimics the behaviour of the standard getSavePath function in Max 8 but for Max 7 (although it works in Max 8 too). |