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12 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Act-3D B.V. Quest3D Material v0.2.15
1.15 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

The Quest3D material is a dedicated material with a user interface and options very similar to the Quest3D object section. Rollouts names and meanings are analogous to the tabs in Quest3D. By using this material, models in the Max viewport look exactly as they will in Quest3D v3.6
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
AddingLight Fission v1.1 Beta
729 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This utility lets you have an interactive real-time Virtools viewport in Max, allowing you to see your models in the Virtools Engine without having to export and load it into Virtools Dev.

The plugin will only work if Virtools Dev 4 is intalled on your system.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Andres Carrera oFusion RealTime Viewport v1.8.6
7.59 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

RealTime viewport is the next level in WYSIWYG game development with Max, it gives you the power to produce and view content directly and in real time in OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine), all in the Max viewports. The RealTime OGRE viewport works similarly to any regular Max viewport and it's optimized for game production.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Autodesk, Inc. Bookmark v1.0
21.2 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

The Bookmark Global Utility Plugin implements basic perspective viewport bookmarking capabilities. It creates a dockable CUI Frame Window that is dialog based. In addition, it function publishes its visibility state and implements saving and loading methods.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Christoph Kubisch LSCM Unwrap v1.0
615 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This plugin/MAXScript combination performs UV Unwrapping based on Least Squares Conformal Maps. It is based on the blender3d implementation by Brecht Van Lommel and Jens Ole Wund. You define UV seam edges on epoly object edges and run the automatic unwrap. A consistent texel/unit ratio is used for the results as well.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Daniel Schmidt MapMatCol RCMenu v1.03
15 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This global utility adds right click menus to map/material slots and color swatches, giving access to cut/copy/paste commands.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
kotenpa Ghost Frames v1.0
3.21 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This is a vast improvement on the standard ghosting in Max. It allows you to pick frames at which you want objects ghosted, works on selections of objects all at once (for example ghosting a whole biped), and more. There is a flash movie in the ZIP file which demonstrates all of its functionality.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Mattias Claesson Verse4Max v0.40
4.79 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This plugin makes it possible for Max to exchange data with a Verse server in real-time. It includes a utility for connecting to a Verse server, a 'VerseObject' geometry plugin and a 'VerseAudio' helper plugin.

Verse is a lightweight, low latency, general-purpose network protocol for 3D data, which lets multiple applications act together as one large system by sharing data over a network.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
mofo Active View v0.01
24.3 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This plugin automatically makes the viewport active that the mouse is currently over.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Neil Hazzard / Adam Felt Interface:PhysiqueOps v3.0
17.9 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This Global Utility opens up Physique to MAXScript. This version is for Character Studio 3.x, and gives access to the following methods:
- getPhysiqueModifier
- getAPIVersion
- getBones
- getBoneCount
- getVertexCount
- getInitialNodeTM
- getInitialBoneTM
- getVertexType
- getVertexBones
- getVertexBoneCount
- getVertexBone
- getVertexOffset
- getVertexDeformableOffset
- getVertexWeight
- setInitialPose
- setFigureMode
- attachToNode
- initialize
- lockVertex
- unlockVertex
- setVertexBone

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