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54 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
AFK team Super Grass v0.65b
369 KB
Compiled / Description

This plugin allows you to create single grass blades, grass bundles, grass lawn patches or complete grass lawns. Its very flexible interfaces allows the usage of heightfield data, vectorfield data, and probability data in form of maps to influence the position, bending and appearance of each individual grass blade in a complete lawn and therefore additionally allows the visualization of heightfield or vectorfield data sets. Included in the bundle is a special Mental Ray grass shader for Max.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta L-System Object v1.0
66.6 KB
Compiled / Description

An L-System Object plugin for experimenting with L-Systems. Builds trees, bugs, interesting geometry, etc.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta PathCylinder v1.09
103 KB
Compiled / Description

Grows a cylinder out along a spline, and adds thorns to it.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Chaos Group VRayStereoscopic v1.0
186 KB
Compiled / Description

The VRayStereoscopic helper allows you to render stereoscopic side-by-side renders of the scene.

This plugin only works together with V-Ray, you need to put it in the 'vrayplugins' folder.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Charles Hollemeersch OceanWaves v1.0
251 KB
Compiled / Description

This plugin adds a new geometry object which creates a statistically generated ocean wave suface. It allows you to set parameters like wind direction and strength, required detail, etc., to control the appearance of the sea surface. This is basically the same 'Tessendorf' method used to generate the ocean surface in movies like 'Titanic'.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Creative Tools AB Ego v1.13
992 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a plugin for making LEGO-like objects, with fully animatable parameters.

This plugin was originally made by Martin Enthed for earlier Max versions. With Martin's approval and the good help from Daniel Pero and Conny Klasson at TDP.nu, this plugin has been rewritten for Max 6.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Cuneyt Ozdas Counter Text v4.1.25.7
505 KB
Compiled / Description

An advanced version of the standard Max text shape primitive. It has the ability to include dynamic numbers that changes over time, within the text body.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Digimation, Inc. Lightning v1.0.0.12
98.7 MB
Compiled / Description

Lightning is a procedural electricity generator for Max. Unlike most other post process effects that generate lightning after your scene is rendered, our Lightning plugin creates true 3D geometry right in your viewports. You can have Lightning arc between any two selected objects or have it emit along a user-defined spline for strike effects. Animation of your electrical effects is also simplified since Lightning is automatically animated when you create it.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
EffectWare Stairs v1.0
354 KB
Compiled / Description

Generates normal and spiral stairs, and can also generate Biped footsteps to work with Character Studio.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
EffectWare Advertisement Plate v1.0
229 KB
Compiled / Description

A plugin for making 3-sided advertisement signs. Includes various options for creating and animating the sign.

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