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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Blizzard Entertainment | Warcraft III Particles v1.01 10.2 MB |
Particles |
Compiled / Description | ||
03.12.2003 The Warcraft III Particle plugin provides a custom particle system type which you can use in your models to create particle effects in the game. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Digimation, Inc. | Pandora v1.07 1.97 MB |
Particles |
Compiled / Description | ||
31.01.2003 Pandora is a former commercial plugin which contains a set of robust particle systems for Max. It also comes with several new universal particle space warps including Fan, Friction, Ricochet, Whirlpool and Reflector. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
HABWare | Fast! SuperParticle v4.0 261 KB |
Particles |
Compiled / Description | ||
10.03.2001 A recompilation of the Max SuperParticles. No new features, but metaparticle calculation is much faster. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Orbaz Technologies, Inc. | Sand Blaster v1.28 65.6MB |
Particles |
Compiled / Description | ||
11.03.2001 Sand Blaster pushes Max to the limit by combining flexible particles with a powerful and unique emitter and target system. First, you can use any object as a custom particle. Fully textured and animated objects are perfect choices; even use objects bound to space warps. So creating swarms of angry bees or schools of fish is a snap. Next are the emitters. Unlike normal particle systems that force you to create particles from a plane or sphere, Sand Blaster lets you choose any Max object as the point of origin for the particles. Plus, you can break down that selected object into a series of particles! And finally are the targets. Sand Blaster lets you choose any single or grouped object as a destination for your particles as they move through your scene. Plus you can use Sand Blaster to reassemble your particles into the chosen object. With all of this power, you can blow up a Volkswagen Bug (emitter object) into tiny animated beetles (custom particles), and having them reassemble moments later into a speeding Ferrari (target object)! |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Peter Watje | Hair v0.93 48.9 KB |
Particles |
Compiled / Description | ||
24.03.2001 Hair is a particle system used to simulate hair. It was mainly aimed at doing long head hair but can also be used for short body hair. Since it is a particle system most particles space warps will work with it. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Peter Watje | Particle+ v2.01 86.5 KB |
Particles |
Compiled / Description | ||
25.03.2001 This is an update to the basic Max Particle System. It adds a few more particle types, a few more emitter shapes, a particle position dump, and stream velocity and motion. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Volition, Inc. | VParticle v1.0 2.87 MB |
Particles |
Compiled / Description | ||
25.05.2001 This plugin adds a new Particle emitter type to Max4, called VParticle. This plugin is solely for use in VFX files used in Red Faction. It's not fully supported as a standard 'renderable' particle type in Max, so do that at your own risk. This plugin is part of the Red Faction Toolkit. |