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9 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Andrew Reid ShadeChange v1.0
8.3 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

Allows you to set the active viewport to shaded, faceted or wireframe mode using MAXScript.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Aranda Morrison ExtendXRefScene v1.0
64.3 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This little extension will expose the two functions 'GetXRefFileName index' and 'SetXRefFileName index name'. The bug which this allows us to overcome is as follows...

When you load two XRefScenes which are the same file, the command 'XRefs.GetXRefFile i' will only ever return the first one. This is because the names are somehow used as an ID.

The workaround allows us to rename the XRefScenes so the 'XRefs.GetXRefFile i' will now return the correct reference. It is necessary to rename the XRefScene back to it's original name before saving otherwise it will try to load a different or non-existing .max file as the XRefScene.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Gonzalo Rueda Yascript v1.0
25.8 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

A MAXScript extension that allows you to show and hide the UI toolbars.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Hideki Suzuki Layered Windows v1.0
4.84 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This gives you control over the opacity of your program windows under Windows 2000. A value of 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque, allowing you to create translucent windows for your scripts.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Ishani / Harry Denholm MorpherMXS v1.0
13.5 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

The Morpher extension provides complete access to the weighted morpher modifier in Max 4 - without this extension the access provided is very limited.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
John Burnett jbLib v7.0
31.5 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

jbLib is a MAXScript extension that contains a collection of new functions for use in MAXScript. The functions are: ApplyVertexColors, ElementFromFace, EscapeHit, EvalTextureColorPoint, GetClosestVertex, GetHitDistances, GetSpaceWarpForce, GetUNCPath, IsActive, IsParticleSystem, SpaceWarpSupportsForce, GetRegistrySetting, SetRegistrySetting, DeleteDirectory, MoveFile, scanlineRenderEx.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Larry Minton / Avguard Animation Avguard MAXScript Extensions v4.04
34.8 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This is a large selection of extremely useful functions for MAXScript.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Roger Christensen Max 3 to 9 Time v1.0
2.2 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

A small MAXScript extension for getting the current date and time. The interesting thing is that it works in all versions of Max from 3 to 9.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Simon Feltman REZN8 MAXScript Extension v 1.22
41.7 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

A set of useful controls and functions for MAXScript.

New global variables include: consoleCommand, dialogs.setParent, dialogs.setClipChildren, dialogs.getState, dialogs.getSize, dialogs.setSize, dialogs.getTitle, dialogs.setTitle, isParityNegative, getObjectOffsetTM, pixelsToTwips, twipsToPixels.

Rollout controls include:
- TABCTRL - uses the standard windows Tab widget
- SPLITTER - control for dividing controls on a dialog or rollout
- COOLBUTTON - like a regular button control but allows mouse-over bitmaps