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5 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. N-Patch Preview v3.1.0.1
1.47 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

N-Patches are a higher-order surface primitive originally developed by ATI for DirectX 8. This plugin gives the artist the ability to create a viewport for previewing objects using N-Patch tesselation rules. In this version, the tesselation is done in software whenever the tesselation level is changed with the pop-up menu.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Daniel Schmidt MapMatCol RCMenu v1.03
15 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This global utility adds right click menus to map/material slots and color swatches, giving access to cut/copy/paste commands.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Discreet Verify on Save v1.0 Beta
41.2 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This plugin is designed to detect corrupt Max files at the time they are saved. Under normal conditions, you should not notice any changes to Max. However if the plugin detects a corrupted Max file has been saved, you will be notified with an error message prompting you to resave the file. At that point, try and see if you can Save As as different file. NOTE: This plugin does not check autobak files.

This plugin is currently beta. Use at your own risk. We are not aware of any problems at this time. If you should run in to any problems, please report them.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Neil Hazzard / Adam Felt Interface:PhysiqueOps v3.0
17.3 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This Global Utility opens up Physique to MAXScript. This version is for Character Studio 3.x, and gives access to the following methods:
- getPhysiqueModifier
- getAPIVersion
- getBones
- getBoneCount
- getVertexCount
- getInitialNodeTM
- getInitialBoneTM
- getVertexType
- getVertexBones
- getVertexBoneCount
- getVertexBone
- getVertexOffset
- getVertexDeformableOffset
- getVertexWeight
- setInitialPose
- setFigureMode
- attachToNode
- initialize
- lockVertex
- unlockVertex
- setVertexBone.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Rito MouseControl v0.81
5.5 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This global utility allows you to rotate and zoom perspective/user viewports using the left or right mouse button, which is useful for those of you with no middle mouse button. You have the option rotating the view with the ALT key pressed, or just using the mouse. To counter any problems with the quadmenu or general right clicking, you have the option to assign the F6 key to the quadmenu, and pressing the SHIFT key and right clicking works like a normal right-click.