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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Alfio Trabuio | Alf Float Controller v1.0 13.5 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
25.03.2002 This is a controller which makes it possible to control a float using a skeletal graph. Applying this to a translation or a rotation makes it possible to create a skeletal procedural animation. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Boomer Labs | Enhanced Sound v1.10 20 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
04.09.2001 Enhanced Sound provides several enhancements to Default Sound Plugin that ships with Max. Enhancements: - Multichannel channel WaveFormatEx support - 1/4x, 1/2x and 2x audio playback Bug-fixes: - Audio lost in long animations (R3.x bug) - Audio range not saved (R4.x bug) - Audio range not used when rendering (R4.x bug) |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Digimation, Inc. | Diginoise Controller v1.0 20.5 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
31.01.2003 Diginoise is a free noise animation controller that provides you with a little more control over how noise animation can be created. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
HABWare | Billboard v4.0 50.4 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
07.03.2001 A modified version of the LookAt controller. Adds a 2D option which allows you to handle avatars in a scene. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
HABWare | Roller v4.0 37.6 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
10.03.2001 A controller to roll a wheel (or coin etc.) along a path. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Hybrid Logic | AutoVox v1.3.0 13.1 MB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
30.10.2003 AutoVox is a freeware plugin that will enable your 3D character to speak realistically with a minimum of effort. AutoVox consists of a phoneme based speech controller plugin and a utility plugin. Composite phoneme mouth shapes are generated by blending percentages of various targets. Animation is completely automated by AutoVox. AutoVox has a new speech recognition feature allowing animators to capture sound and do speech animation simply by speaking into a microphone. Furthermore, animators can enter or load a piece of text into AutoVox's Script Editor and AutoVox does the rest. Users can edit keys generated by AutoVox in any traditional manner using Max, and they can fully customize AutoVox's phoneme mapping table, thus allowing them to virtually make any type of character speak, be it a realistic human character or a cartoon character. A preview of your animation is generated using a synthesized voice or your own voice if you use the new speech recognition feature. This voice can be used as a scratch track and can be replaced by the user's own sound track. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Kees van Prooijen Arts and Entertainment | MControl v1.0 59.9 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
26.01.2001 A Transform Controller plugin for Max. The behavior of these controllers can be compared to Linear and Smooth Rotation, but rather working on any transformation. They will interpolate between any keyframe transformations, but won't give control by function graphs. This is because the transformations are not decomposed into translation, rotation and scaling parts. The good thing is that the user is free to combine transformations in any order, switching between coordinate systems as he or she pleases. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Larry Minton / Avguard Animation | Attachment Controller 2 v1.0 27.6 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
24.04.2001 The Attachment2 controller is a derivative of the Attachment controller. It maintains the orientation of the node it is applied to as the control node is rotated. There is a new checkbox under 'Align To Surface' called 'Version 1 Compatible'. When you load a file with an existing Attachment2 controller, this checkbox is checked. If you uncheck it, save the file, and load the file, or if you create a new Attachment2 controller, this checkbox is unchecked and deactivated. I found there is a problem with non-uniform scaling on the control node, and unchecking this checkbox handles this scaling properly. However, unchecking the checkbox can also result in a different orientation of the controlled object. So the first thing you should do is go through the nodes using the Attachment2 controller, and uncheck the checkbox. If the rotation of the node changes, either turn the checkbox back on, or adjust the rotation. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Peter Watje | Particle Control v1.02 12.9 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
02.04.2002 This is very similar to the Path Controller, except it follows a particle. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Peter Watje | FPS Controller v1.0 15.9 KB |
Controller |
Compiled / Description | ||
01.01.2001 The FPS Controller (First Person Shooter, not Frames Per Second) works similiarly to the independant position controller except it does some simple collision detection when you do interactive mouse movement. When you move an object with the mouse, it will prevent the pivot of the object penetrating the faces of the objects in the Collision Nodes list. |