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23 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Gordon Keiser Circular Wipe v0.1
21.9 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

This Render Effect can be used for doing an animated circular wipe, and affects the alpha channel.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Gordon Keiser Fake Interlace v0.1
7.75 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

Basically fakes an interlaced look on your rendered image by removing every other line of the image. It also works on the alpha channel.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
HABWare Parallax v3.0
45.9 KB
Videopost Filter / Render Effect
Compiled / Description

Simulates the parallax effect.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
HABWare PsiAlpha v3.0
31.8 KB
Videopost Filter / Render Effect
Compiled / Description

An extension to the Pseudo Alpha filter which lets you choose the alpha color and set thresholds to allow variations in the alpha colors.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Ishani Ambient v1.0
24.3 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

A 2D render effect that provides tinting control of an image.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Ishani CeThru v1.0
25.8 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

CeThru solves the problem of not being able to apply Object / Material ID-based effects when the target in question goes behind a transparent object.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Ishani Progress Hook v1.0
15.1 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

What Progress Hook will do is install a watcher into the render effect user interface that will take the current task and its completed amount and put it into the titlebar of the window. In this way, the user can always see what is being updated and when the various tasks have been completed.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
John Burnett Motion Blur Render Effect v4.22.2001
13.9 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

This is just a version of Image Motion Blur as a render effect... handy for blurring atmospherics that output velocity information (i.e. Shag and Afterburn). When using, add it as you would any other render effect, BUT make sure to turn off the Image Motion Blur checkbox in the Render Setup dialog and set the associated spinner to 1.0 (it defaults to 0.5). You can then ignore the blur settings in the Render Setup dialog, and just use the Render Effect's duration spinner instead.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
MJM Extended Blur v1.0
36.2 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

Allows selection based on Object and Material ID's and offers two types of brightening: multiplicative and additive. Adds falloff curves for blending and brightening in the feathered falloff area. All of these controls are meant to give better control to glowing objects.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
MJM HSV v1.0
36.2 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

Allows color correction based on hue, saturation, value. Adjusting hue to -127 has the same effect as adjusting it to 128. These values are based on Max's HSV color selector.

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