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3 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Autodesk Inc. Arnold for 3ds Max v5.7.7.0
358 MB
Compiled / Description

Arnold for 3ds Max (or MAXtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Max interface. Features include:
- Integration with Max shapes, cameras, lights and shaders
- Image Based Lighting support, including a state of the art physical sky
- Max ActiveShade interactive rendering for previewing parameter changes without interrupting your work
- Support for AOVs and Deep EXR files
- Defer the creation of geometry at render time with the Procedural placeholder nodes
- Texturable mesh lights
- 3rd party Arnold shader support
- MAXtoA Cloud Rendering for stills and animations
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
cebas VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Inc. finalRender Free v4.7 SP4
62 MB
Compiled / Description

finalRender is a robust raytracing and global illumination rendering system for Max. It offers a complete core overhaul both in terms of offering GPU and CPU rendering as one truly integrated system, and uses a physically accurate wavelength based light distribution model. Unbiased path-tracing means, the rendering results are always accurate and realistic.

This free version can be used commercially, and is fully featured except for the following: trueHybrid is turned off (you have to choose either CPU or GPU), finalToon is not included and network rendering is disabled.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
CentiLeo CentiLeo for 3ds Max v0.696
146 MB
Compiled / Description

CentiLeo is a GPU renderer (CUDA based) that supports out-of-core caching of geometry and textures, which means that your scene doesn't need to fit in the GPU RAM.

Features include:
- Out-of-core geometry (supports many polygons)
- Out-of-core and out-of-RAM textures
- Adaptive displacement mapping
- Noise aware path tracing
- Specific Metropolis sampler with firefly killer
- Instancing of geometry
- Fast support of dynamic scenes and interactive modelling
- Flexible shader infrastructure
- Powerful Standard CentiLeo Material with 2 reflection lobes and Multi Material container
- Light sources with assignment to different layers of materials
- AOVs/Render passes infrastructure to generate them all in parallel
- Fully interactive Max plugin which reacts to modelling activity while the image is rendered
- Bump mapping can be applied on top of displacement mapping
- Arbitrary output image resolution (as soon as it fits to CPU RAM)