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3 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Hair v0.93
67 KB
Compiled / Description

Hair is a particle system used to simulate hair. It was mainly aimed at doing long head hair but can also be used for short body hair. Since it is a particle system most particles space warps will work with it.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Sisyphus Software Special Purpose Particles v1.4
600 KB
Compiled / Description

SPP consists of two particle systems (Halo and Phasor) and one spacewarp (Vertex Lock). Halo creates a system of particles which rotate in a generally circular path about an axis, Phasor creates a system of particles which flow from one end of the icon to the other in a wavelike path, and Vortex Lock is a particle motion controller which 'grabs' particles, spins them into a whirling vortex, then locks them into a stable rotation path.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Thinkbox Software Stoke MX v2.7.0
41.5 MB
Compiled / Description

Stoke MX is an easy to use particle simulator designed to simplify the creation of high volume particle clouds driven by velocity fields. Supported velocity field sources include FumeFX and Ember simulations, other particle animations from Particle Flow, Thinking Particles or external particle file sequences in PRT or RealFlow BIN formats, Max SpaceWarps etc.

It also comes with powerful field manipulation tools enabling the creation and simulation of new fields including velocity fields, loading and saving of field data using industry standard formats, editing of existing fields and the integration of field data with Max sub-systems like Particle Flow, MassFX, mCloth, Hair&Fur, materials, most renderers, and more.

On top of this it has the complete Genome toolset including added support for Stoke field-related queries, as well as new Loop nodes for iterative operations over vertices and faces.