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42 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
3d-io games & video production GmbH BonesPro Proxy v4.86.00
3.14 MB
Compiled / Description

BonesPro Proxy is a freely available replacement plugin for the real BonesPro modifier. It allows anyone to work with scenes that use BonesPro without having to license it. It also makes rendering of BonesPro scenes on your render farm easier.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
3d-io games & video production GmbH UV-Packer v3.04.00
8.07 MB
Compiled / Description

UV-Packer is a fast and exact UV utility which takes all your UV parts, calculates their sizes and proportions and distributes them in the most optimal way on the UV panel. You no longer need to spend hours moving, rotating and scaling your maps in order to utilize the whole mapping area - UV-Packer does it for you in a second. It not only moves and rotates your UV parts, it also takes the mesh surface area into account and scales the parts independently to provide a uniform pixel distribution. Your models will never again have different texture sizes and therefore varying amounts of texture quality on legs, arms and body textures, since UV-Packer keeps them all even.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Andrew Reid Ghost Trails v3.6.7.0
114 KB
Compiled / Description

Ghost Trails is a modifier plugin that makes it easy to create a trail behind a moving object. It can be used to create such effects as:
- Skid marks and tire tracks
- Trails from swords and other weapons like in console games
- Trails from particles or meteors
- Snail and blob trails
- Matrix like Bullet Trails
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Andrew Reid / Josef Wienerroither Ghost Trails v3.8.0.0
741 KB
Compiled / Description

Ghost Trails is a modifier plugin that makes it easy to create a trail behind a moving object. It can be used to create such effects as:
- Skid marks and tire tracks
- Trails from swords and other weapons like in console games
- Trails from particles or meteors
- Snail and blob trails
- Matrix like Bullet Trails

Thanks go to Josef for recompiling the plugin for Max 2025.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta BlurDecayNoise v1.0
2.2 MB
Compiled / Description

A noise modifier that decays off from its center.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta Twist-O-Rama v1.04
2.2 MB
Compiled / Description

A bend modifier for curling things up. Does sea shells, corkscrews etc.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta Wake v1.01
2.2 MB
Compiled / Description

Creates waves, like water flowing around an obstacle.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
CG-Source.com FloorGenerator Free v2.10
847 KB
Compiled / Description

FloorGenerator generates floor objects consisting of individual boards which can easily be textured using MultiTexture (also from CG-Source.com). It's a great tool if you're doing architecture visualization and need to make floors that are NOT going to tile and that you can see up close without any pixelation.

This free version is limited to the standard floor pattern. If you need more patterns you need to buy the full version.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Game Zombie Weighted Normals v1.0
33.8 KB
Compiled / Description

Face weighted normals (FWN) is a technique to improve shading for 3D models. FWN uses the area of the face to tune the vertex normals.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Grant Adam ColorPolyByVerts v1.1c
18.8 KB
Compiled / Description

This tool colours polygons by 3, 4 or 5+ verts/edges. This makes it easy to see triangles, quads, and 5+ sided polygons for cleaning up models. It also has a numeric feedback as tiny triangles may be missed at first glance.

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