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9 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Christoph Kubisch Alles Im Fluss v1.11
16.3 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

Alles Im Fluss (German for 'Everything flows') is a Max plugin to aid subdivision modelling. It provides the ability to quickly and easily draw polygon strips, connections or extrusions, and cap holes while maintaining clean, mostly quad-based topology. One single tool provides you with all functionality depending on the sub-object type you are in, or keyboard modifiers used.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Craft Animations Craft 4-Wheeler Free v24.2.1
87.4 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

Craft 4-Wheeler Free is a vehicle simulator which was developed as an effective production tool that would enable very quick rigging of any type of 4-wheel mesh. After the dummies have been scaled and aligned to match the real 4-wheeler, the real parts are simply bound / linked to the corresponding plugin dummies. The steering, braking, booster, skidding etc is done in real time with any supported input device (DirectX compatible, keyboard, 3dxmouse (beta)) making the animation process more flexible and creative.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Craft Animations Craft Airplane Free v24.2.1
87.4 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

Craft Airplane is a real time airplane simulator which uses a control system to help the pilot steer the craft with high precision. Gravity can be added to increase the realism, especially in dogfight situations. The airplane is controlled in real time with any supported input device (DirectX compatible, keyboard, 3dxmouse (beta)) making the animation process more flexible and creative.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Craft Animations Craft ObserverCam Free v24.2.1
87.4 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

Craft ObserverCam is an intuitive tool for shooting scenes with high controllability and at the same time with a natural human feeling to it. It can also be used to film from vehicles or manually steer gun turrets, doors, etc when linked to a parent. The camera can be used iteratively in a layer like fashion where multiple cameras are linked and moved relative to one another one at a time adding zoom and extra motion.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
KitBash3D Cargo v1.4.2
326 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

Cargo is a fully-loaded asset browser built to manage all your Kitbash3D kits in one place. With it, you can easily search, filter, and find any KitBash3D model or material. And with its 1-Click Import, you can seamlessly integrate them into Max in seconds. Its advanced filtering and search capabilities let you easily narrow down your search by genre, asset size, object type, or even specific keywords, enabling you to find exactly what you need.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Neil Hazzard / Adam Felt Interface:PhysiqueOps v3.0
26.8 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

This global utility opens up Physique to MAXScript. This version is for Character Studio 3.x, and gives access to the following methods:
- getPhysiqueModifier
- getAPIVersion
- getBones
- getBoneCount
- getVertexCount
- getInitialNodeTM
- getInitialBoneTM
- getVertexType
- getVertexBones
- getVertexBoneCount
- getVertexBone
- getVertexOffset
- getVertexDeformableOffset
- getVertexWeight
- setInitialPose
- setFigureMode
- attachToNode
- initialize
- lockVertex
- unlockVertex
- setVertexBone
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Perforce Software Inc. Helix Plugin for Graphical Tools (P4GT) v2021.2
10 MB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

The Helix Plugin for Graphical Tools (P4GT), integrates Helix (formerly Perforce) with Max. Helix is a software configuration management (SCM) tool that enables developers to version files, track changes to software development, manage releases, track defects, manage builds, etc. Although Helix was built to manage source files, you can use it to manage any sort of content, including source code, binary files, other digital assets, HTML pages, formatted documents, or operating system configuration files.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Pier Janssen EdgeSmooth v1.0.2
235 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

EdgeSmooth allows you to smooth models by defining edges as either 'hard' or 'soft'. This is a more intuitive method than the standard smoothing groups: a 'soft' edge means that the faces on that edge share a common smoothing group. When there are no shared smoothing groups, the edge is 'hard'.

This is an open-source project, you can find the repository here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Shea Richardson SkinPlusPlus v0.7.0
470 KB
Global Utility Plugin
Compiled / Description

SkinPlusPlus consists of Python 3.7 bindings written in C++ for working with skin data in DCC's. It allows you to save and load skin data with speed, as the logic is written in C++ but exposed with python bindings. It works directly with numpy ndarrays: Pybind11 is used to generate the python bindings, so the API uses numpy ndarrays for optimal performance.