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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. | Radeon ProRender v2.7.0 48.6 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
11.05.2020 Radeon ProRender for Max is a physically accurate raytracing plugin that provides a simple to use, deeply integrated Max experience, with an extensive material library. Radeon ProRender is built on OpenCL 1.2, which means it can run on virtually any hardware and will harness the compute capabilities from both GPUs and CPUs. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
cebas VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Inc. | finalRender Free v4.7 SP4 62 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
21.04.2024 finalRender is a robust raytracing and global illumination rendering system for Max. It offers a complete core overhaul both in terms of offering GPU and CPU rendering as one truly integrated system, and uses a physically accurate wavelength based light distribution model. Unbiased path-tracing means, the rendering results are always accurate and realistic. This free version can be used commercially, and is fully featured except for the following: trueHybrid is turned off (you have to choose either CPU or GPU), finalToon is not included and network rendering is disabled. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
CentiLeo | CentiLeo for 3ds Max v0.696 146 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
15.08.2024 CentiLeo is a GPU renderer (CUDA based) that supports out-of-core caching of geometry and textures, which means that your scene doesn't need to fit in the GPU RAM. Features include: - Out-of-core geometry (supports many polygons) - Out-of-core and out-of-RAM textures - Adaptive displacement mapping - Noise aware path tracing - Specific Metropolis sampler with firefly killer - Instancing of geometry - Fast support of dynamic scenes and interactive modelling - Flexible shader infrastructure - Powerful Standard CentiLeo Material with 2 reflection lobes and Multi Material container - Light sources with assignment to different layers of materials - AOVs/Render passes infrastructure to generate them all in parallel - Fully interactive Max plugin which reacts to modelling activity while the image is rendered - Bump mapping can be applied on top of displacement mapping - Arbitrary output image resolution (as soon as it fits to CPU RAM) |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
François Beaune | appleseed Max v1.1.0 beta 22.4 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
01.09.2019 This is a Max port of the appleseed renderer, an open source physically-based rendering engine currently in development. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
fused | IndigoMax v4.4.14 beta 116 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
18.09.2020 This a wrapper plugin for the Indigo renderer that enables you to use Indigo inside Max. Features at the moment include: - Fast Indigo SDK connection - Geometry handling as poly and triangle meshes - Fast instancing routine - TurboSmooth and MeshSmooth are applied at render time - Animation and motion blur support - Simple light objects are supported (and default lights) - Materials are supported with Indigo Material and Indigo Blend - Standard camera and viewports are supported - Textures are supported (only bitmaps for now) - Scenes can be exported to IGS format - GPU rendering support - Multiple UVs support - Background / interactive modes - Progressive material refinement - Interactive tone-mapping |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Jeffrey Witthuhn | Cycles for Max v2021.1.1 30.8 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
19.06.2022 This plugin brings Blender's Cycles rendering engine to Max. Cycles is a path-tracing renderer that runs on CPUs as well as GPUs (CUDA-only at the moment). |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Omid Ghotbi | MaxToLux v0.9.1417-beta 52.8 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
14.08.2022 MaxToLux enables Max to hook up to LuxRender, an open-source, free software rendering system for physically correct, unbiased rendering. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc. | LC Max v5.7.9.0 43 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
05.05.2018 The Lasershow Converter MAX system (LC Max) consists of three plugins for Max: a rendering plugin, a utility plugin and a modifier plugin. The renderer turns Max frames and scenes into laser-projectable frames and scenes, the utility plugin lets you adjust aspects of how Max objects will be drawn by the renderer, and the modifier allows adjustments to specific mesh selections in Max. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc. | LC Max v6.0.0.0 18.4 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
15.06.2021 The Lasershow Converter MAX system (LC Max) consists of three plugins for Max: a rendering plugin, a utility plugin and a modifier plugin. The renderer turns Max frames and scenes into laser-projectable frames and scenes, the utility plugin lets you adjust aspects of how Max objects will be drawn by the renderer, and the modifier allows adjustments to specific mesh selections in Max. |
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Author / WWW | Name / Download | Plugin Type |
Sai Yang | KuaFu v1.1.3 12 MB |
Renderer |
Compiled / Description | ||
17.12.2018 KuaFu is a renderer that uses out-of-core raytracing without ray-sorting, which differentiates it from other out-of-core renderers. It makes use of universal photon-mapping complemented by universal filtering, as well as its own Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) methods to achieve faster convergence rates. |