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22 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Autodesk, Inc. Stereo Camera for Max 2017-2025 v1.9.0
6.1 MB
Compiled / Description

This plugin allows you to create stereoscopic camera rigs and offers Left Eye, Right Eye, Center, or Anaglyph views in the Nitrous viewport. It also has in-scene 3D volumes to help with the adjustment of valid stereo zones, a Passive Stereo viewing mode, and an active stereo mode for users with a recent AMD FirePro graphics card and a supported HD3D Active Stereo monitor or equivalent.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta L-System Object v1.0
2.17 MB
Compiled / Description

An L-System Object plugin for experimenting with L-Systems. Fractal-like forms are easy to describe with an L-System, and plant models or other natural-looking organic forms are easy to define.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Boomer Labs SuperBlob v0.45a beta
677 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a super fast blobmesh replacement with lots of cool features currently in development. The feature list at the moment includes a 5-10x speed improvement over BlobMesh, smoother meshes, improved normals, an integrated Relax and Push function, TyFlow support and more nifty stuff planned.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Boomer Labs SuperMesher Reader v2.0
815 KB
Compiled / Description

This free loader plugin allows you to load or render SuperMesher files. It is especially useful for owners of SuperMesher who want to render SuperMesher models on a render farm.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
HABWare Moebius v9.0
81.1 KB
Compiled / Description

A plugin that generates moebius tapes for you.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
HABWare SGI Logo v9.0
38.2 KB
Compiled / Description

Generates a mesh that looks like the workstation vendors logo.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
HABWare ToyTrain v9.0
40.3 KB
Compiled / Description

A system plugin, where you can define trailers following an engine at any given distance. It can also handle push and pull sequences.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Itoo Software Forest Lite v9.1.2
62.4 MB
Compiled / Description

Forest Pack 9 is a package of plugins for Max designed to give a complete solution for creation of vast surfaces of trees and plants. Forest enables you to combine billboards, high poly meshes and proxies, and create scenes with a virtually unlimited number of objects and polygons. The plugin may be used to create any scene which requires large distributions of objects, not just trees. It comes with native support for most popular render engines.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Itoo Software RailClone Lite v6.3.1
59.9 MB
Compiled / Description

RailClone Lite is a plugin for parametric modelling based on custom geometry parts, definable by the user, and a set of construction rules. This new concept of modelling lets you build complex and realistic structures for Architectural Visualization, Civil Engineering and Interior Design.

This free Lite version of the plugin can be used in your personal and commercial projects. It comes with a limited subset of presets, libraries cannot be customised, it doesn't include RailClone Tools and cannot be converted to instances.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
J. Antonio Amblés LightMesh v0.9
40.9 KB
Compiled / Description

With this plugin you can turn any object into a light source. This is done by putting a light on every vertex of a mesh. These lights can be omni or free direct and their color will be defined by: 1) the color of the bitmap texture on every vertex; 2) the diffuse color of the material assigned to the object; 3) the color of the object.

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