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47 records match your query.
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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Lukas Cone ApexMax v1.6.1
661 KB
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ApexMax is an importer for formats used by the Apex Engine from Avalanche Studios.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Martin Dočekal Max 4ds Tools v0.8.4
157 KB
Import / Export
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This is a MAXScript plugin that adds support for the Mafia 4ds model format. It aims to provide an easy to use set of tools for either editing existing models or for creating them from scratch. Features include:
- Meshes, LODs, billboarding meshes, instanced meshes
- Sectors, portals
- Custom skinned models
- Editing of scene.4ds
- Any Mafia 4ds file can be opened without errors
- Editing of object parameters like lod fade distance, rendering flags, etc.
- Editing of materials
- Scaling of geometry into preferred units (centimeters, meters, inches, etc.)
- Correct export of UVs and normals
- Editing of glows - lamp glows, lens flare
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Neil Jedrzejewski SMD Exporter v1.7
118 KB
Import / Export
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Exports Max scenes to source reference and animation sequence SMD files for use with Half-Life 2. It supports standard and multi/sub-object materials, editable mesh and editable poly geometry, skin and physique modifiers and, when using skin, using helper nodes such as dummies as bones. Also allows exporting a sub-range of an animation and exporting the sequence backwards.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Neil Jedrzejewski SMD Importer v1.2
181 KB
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This plugin enables Max to import SMD files from Valve games. It offers the following import options:
- Import mesh
- Rebuild smoothing normals
- Import materials
- Import bones
- Use dummy for orphan bones
- Use dummy for end bones
- Attach mesh to bones
- Convert from left handed co-ordinate space
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Neil Jedrzejewski VTA Exporter v1.0
335 KB
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This plugin allows Max to export Source vertex animation files used in face flex animation using the morpher modifier and shapekeys.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
NetAllied Systems GmbH / The Khronos Group Inc. OpenCollada v1.6.67
98.7 MB
Import / Export
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This is the latest release of the next generation plugin offering higher performance data export. In contrast to the existing COLLADA exporters for Max, this new plugin doesn't store the COLLADA document into an intermediate data model but writes it directly to file. This leads to a dramatic reduction of memory consumption and to much better performance.

The official COLLADA web site is here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Nicolas Roblin / Michael Lawler GLM Importer/Exporter v1.1
762 KB
Import / Export
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These plugins allow you to import and export .glm models to and from Max. GLM models that are weighted to a skeleton can be imported with a skeleton if you have the matching .GLA file. If you don't have one, you can cancel that step and an unweighted model will be imported.

The plugins have been tested with creating/modifying for Jedi Academy:
- Player models
- Creature models (non-player usable models, such as rancor and wampa)
- Sabers
- Vehicles
- Weapons

They should probably work for Jedi Outcast as well, but this has not been tested.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Origami Digital Software OD Copy & Paste External v1.0
31.5 MB
Import / Export
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This collection of scripts allows you to easily copy and paste geometry and common attributes across 3D applications, perfect for quick iterations between them, without concerns about file management.

Currently, the following applications are supported:
- Modo
- Lightwave
- Blender
- Maya
- Houdini
- C4D
- Rhino
- Sketchup
- 3ds Max
- Moi3D
- ZBrush
- Substance Painter
- 3D-Coat
- Unity
- Mari
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Pop N Fresh MD3 Exporter v1.0
25 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Like the name says, exports models in the MD3 file format originally used in Quake 3 Arena.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Pop'N'Fresh / Michael Lawler MD3 Exporter v2.4
2.13 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This is an improved version of Pop'N'Fresh's original 3ds Max MD3 exporter for Quake III MD3 models. The following major fixes and features have been implemented:
- Correct vertex normals supporting both Smoothing Groups and the Edit Normals Modifier
- Bounding box calculation for each frame
- Improved error checking and validation (added warnings if texture images are not 'Power of 2' and also warn if mesh exceeds 1000 vertices)
- Exports valid Q3A path names (using forward slashes and not backslashes)
- Exports LODs to separate MD3 files with correct LOD file names
- Displays an export statistics dialog providing actual triangle and vertex counts for the exported geometry (shows the extra vertices created due to smoothGroups, EditNormals, or UVs)

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