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47 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Game Zombie SMD Export v1.20
280 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This plugin exports Valve's SMD (Studio Mdl Data) file format, used in Half Life 2 and other Valve games.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Game Zombie SMD Import v1.34
280 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This plugin imports Valve's SMD (Studio Mdl Data) file format, used in Half Life 2 and other Valve games.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
GIANTS Software GmbH i3D Exporter v8.0.0
11 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

The i3D exporter allows you to export assets from Max for use in the GIANTS Engine, which is a real-time 3D game engine with corresponding content pipeline tools.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Google Developers Poly Exporter v1.0
753 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This plugin allows you to directly export models you create as OBJs to Poly, where you can publish them and customize their presentation settings. This means you no longer have to download your models locally before uploading them to Poly.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
GuruWare gw::PlyIO v1.42
1.36 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

Imports files in the Stanford University PLY file format.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Imagination Technologies Ltd. PVRGeoPOD v2.28.0
41.1 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This is the official PowerVR geometry and animation exporter for exporting model data into the optimised PowerVR POD file format. Features include:
- Optimises data order for PowerVR MBX or PowerVR SGX
- Exports to PowerVR object data format (POD files)
- Supports binary and C header formats
- Multiple vertex and triangle sorting algorithms
- Supports all data types including float, fixed, bytes, shorts, etc.
- Support for bump mapping tangent coordinate system
- Optimised data storage including 'instancing'
- Keyframe and skinning animation support
- Matrix palette batching
- Camera and light information and animation
- Loader source code provided in SDK
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Inglobe Technologies S.r.l. AR-media Plugin v1.1.1
2 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

This plugin allows you to experiment with the power of augmented reality inside Max. Simply put, the augmented reality technology allows you to visualize your 3D creations directly in the real physical space which sorrounds them. Your models can be viewed directly on your desktop or any physical location by connecting a simple webcam and printing a suitable code. Files created with the Exporter can be visualized on any computer with the freely available AR-media Player, meaning you can animate and export your models and distribute them to your clients as independent, stand-alone files, and let your clients experience your work in augmented reality.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Josef Wienerroither IfcMax v0.6.0
123 MB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

IfcMax is an importer that enables Max to import the IFC file format ( *.ifc ). This build is based on the current 0.6.0-rc version of the IfcOpenshell opensource framework.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Lukas Cone RevilMax v1.8.1
573 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

RevilMax is an RE Engine and MT Framework importer. It currently supports loading animations (.mot.65, .mot.78, .mot.458) and motion lists (.motlist.95, .motlist.99, .motlist.486) from the RE Engine and LMT, TML from the MT Framework.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Lukas Cone XenoMax v1.2.7
507 KB
Import / Export
Compiled / Description

XenoMax is an importer for formats used by the Xenoblade Engine.

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