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237 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG Circle Tangents v1.0
6.6 KB
Compiled / Description

An MCG shape object that creates a circle that is cut off at the tangents to a point.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG PosConstraint XYZ v1.01
3.9 KB
Compiled / Description

An MCG position constraint that gives you full control over all axes.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG VDB Viewer v1.01
5.4 KB
Compiled / Description

Visualises an OpenVDB file with boxes or tetrahedrons. You can use LoD to speed up your display, 1 = max details (slowest), higher to speed display up.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG Hologram v1.01
6.3 KB
Compiled / Description

An MCG modifier that takes an input object and turns it into a hologram-like object that reacts to camera position.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG ConnVerts v1.02
14.3 KB
Compiled / Description

An MCG object that creates a Plexus-like object with lines connecting vertices. It works not only with objects (teapot, cylinder, etc.) but also with particle systems (PFlow and legacy particle systems).
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG Rotating Piston v1.02
20.2 KB
Compiled / Description

An MCG modifier and controller that makes an object work similar to a piston connecting rod, meaning it influences the position and rotation of objects connected to it.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG Animate Visible To Camera v1.01
2 KB
Compiled / Description

An MCG modifier that can be applied to an object or multiple objects and which allows you to control and animate their visibility in an easy-to-control way.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG AniFake v1.0
13.1 KB
Compiled / Description

An MCG that might get you out of a tight spot when you have to animate a property that's not animatable (usually On/Off).
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG PHelix v1.0
5.9 KB
Compiled / Description

This MCG object creates a simple helix which is controlled by a profile curve.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Vu Nguyen MCG Druid Cross v1.0
18.6 KB
Compiled / Description

This MCG object creates a spline in the form of a Druid cross which can then be extruded or bevelled.

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