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14 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Andrew Reid ZDeSat v1.01
50.4 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

Allows you to desaturate the colours in a rendered image based on how far each pixel is from the camera.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Andrew Reid ZTint v1.04
53.4 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

Allows you to tint the colour of a rendered image based on how far each pixel is from the camera.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta Gimp Oilify v1.0
2.17 MB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

A render effect that makes your rendered images look like oil paintings.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Grant Adam FrameInfo v1.13
71.4 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

FrameInfo is a render effect primarily written as a preview aid which after your frame is rendered writes data to the image. You can use it to add user-defined data such as a timestamp or render time, or to render the safe frame or aspect indicators onto your image.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
kotenpa G-Line v0.51
15.9 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

This is a render effect which uses the G-Buffer to create a line drawing of your scene.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
kotenpa Transparent_ID v2.0
12.2 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

This is similar to the old Ishani CeThru plugin, and solves the problem of not being able to apply Object / Material ID-based effects when the target in question goes behind a transparent object.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Pavel Kuznetsov Surface Blur v2.3
29.9 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

This effect is intended for blurring down shiny surfaces, including transparent and reflective surfaces.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Pavel Kuznetsov Throughout v1.0
22.6 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

Allows you to apply effects such as Glow and Highlight to objects behind other transparent objects. Uses Object ID or Material Effect ID to apply the effect.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Pavel Kuznetsov Adjust Color v1.5
25 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

This effect is useful for tuning brightness, contrast and gamma in the RGB channels.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Pavel Kuznetsov Distance Fade v1.6.1
26.6 KB
Render Effect
Compiled / Description

Allows you to modify color and alpha-channel of your scene depending on depth (Z- buffer). It can be used to imitate the standard fog/mist (it works considerably faster than the usual effect), and can also be applied to specific objects.

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