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11 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta BlurDeflector v1.01
2.14 MB
Compiled / Description

A particle deflector with variable speeds.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta BlurPartForce v1.04
2.14 MB
Compiled / Description

2 particle spacewarps - BlurWind and RandomWalk. Wind doesn't accelerate endlessly like the Max default.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurBeta Maelstrom v1.02
2.14 MB
Compiled / Description

A whirlpool effect material, like water running down a drain.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Grant Adam BetterWind v1.02
34.7 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a modified version of the standard wind spacewarp that ships with Max. The update primarily affects how the turbulence operates, although falloff for wind has been modified too. New features include:
- Falloff on turbulence
- XYZ scale
- Frequency seems a lot more stable
- Phasing controls
- Different noise algorithms
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Particle Gravity v1.0
20.8 KB
Compiled / Description

Particle Gravity just causes the particles in the system to attract or repel each other.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Cylindrical Gravity v1.0
84.2 KB
Compiled / Description

Cylindrical Gravity is a cylinder gravity well. It allows you to do such effects as whirlpools and eddies.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Planar Gravity v1.0
84.2 KB
Compiled / Description

Planar Gravity is identical to the Max 2 Wind/Gravity except that its effects are localized to the icon. Only particles that pass through the arrow and base are affected.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Spherical Gravity v1.0
84.2 KB
Compiled / Description

Spherical Gravity is identical to the Max 2 Wind/Gravity except that its effects are localized to the icon. Only particles that pass through the inner and outer radius are affected.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Spiral Gravity v1.0
84.2 KB
Compiled / Description

Spiral Gravity works exactly like Cylindrical Gravity except it uses rotational forces instead of tangental forces to make it slightly easier to control.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Chase Gravity v1.0
23.4 KB
Compiled / Description

Chase Gravity is a particle spacewarp which causes particles to chase the spacewarp or a designated object. It is useful for creating flocking type animations or using particles to outline an object.

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