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11 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurDev Python for 3ds Max v0.9.0.121
454 MB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

The development guys at Blur Studios have developed a way to run Python as a complete replacement of MAXScript in Max, utilizing Python v2.7 and PyQt to develop tools. Python is a powerful scripting language that is both fast and flexible. To run Blur code, you will need to download and install python onto your box. Qt is a powerful programming framework developed by Trolltech (now owned by Nokia). It is a cross-platform framework that allows a programmer to easily develop for all the major operating systems without having to change any code.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurDev BlurDLX v1.0
454 MB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

A huge collection of useful libraries and functions. Unfortunately, it's not very well documented at the moment.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurDev Blur Regex v4.0.30319
454 MB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This is a regular expression library for MAXScript, giving essentially the same functionality as 're' in Python.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Jonathan Garcia Delete Visibility Track v1.0
6.6 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This MAXScript extension exposes a function in Max that enables you to delete a visibility track using MAXScript.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Jonathan Garcia Endian v1.0
6.4 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

A small MAXScript extension for converting little-endian floats to big-endian floats.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Jonathan Garcia Get Bitmap Info v1.0
6.4 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

A small MAXScript extension for getting the height and width of bitmaps.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Kees Rijnen Helium v1.24
942 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

Helium is a Schematic Framework that allows you to create Flow-chart User Interfaces within Max, via MAXScript. Consider Helium like any other MAXScript UI control, like a button or a spinner, granted a far more powerful one. Helium can even be used to create dynamic custom UIs. Each Helium node could easily be used as a button, for example. This allows you to dynamically build and alter your UIs at any time.

Kees has now open-sourced Helium, and the zip file linked to above also contains the source code.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Kees Rijnen Delete Protection v1.0
6.6 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This MAXScript extension adds a way of filtering delete events in Max, and allows you to prevent node deletion.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Mike Biddlecombe HiddenDOSCommand v1.0
7.5 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

HiddenDOSCommand contains a function that will launch a DOS command line in a hidden window. It looks DOSCommand, but runs more like ShellLaunch.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Pavel Kuznetsov EffectsChannelEx v1.1
8.1 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

In the Max UI, the Material Channel ID can only be set from 1 to 15. This MAXScript extension allows you to use the full range of 1 to 255.

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