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4 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Orbaz Technologies, Inc. ParticleFlow Tools Freebies v1.074
98.5 KB
Compiled / Description

This is an assortment of operators for ParticleFlow:

Stop- particles stop completely as soon as they enter the event. The operator has check boxes for Position and Rotation.
Stop Gradually- allows you to stop particles gradually. You can set the time at which particles should begin slowing down, as well as the time at which they should come to a complete halt.
Camera IMBlur- this operator is used when rendering a particle system with motion blur as viewed from an animated camera. It corrects a problem in which Image Motion Blur doesn't take camera motion into account when rendering a particle system.
Camera Culling Operator- can reduce the geometry load in the viewports and/or at render time by filtering out all particles not visible to the camera.
Copy Out Test- a simplified version of the Spawn test that you can use to reduce overhead in the particle system when you simply want to duplicated particles without using other Spawn settings.
Display Script Operator- a diagnostic tool that lets you display viewport data associated with each particle.
Simple Mix- a videopost filter.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Hair v0.93
98.4 KB
Compiled / Description

Hair is a particle system used to simulate hair. It was mainly aimed at doing long head hair but can also be used for short body hair. Since it is a particle system most particles space warps will work with it.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Sisyphus Software MaxTrax v2.2
300 KB
Object / Particles
Compiled / Description

MaxTrax is a mixture of procedural object and particle system for creating tyre tracks, skid marks, or anything else you need to create trails for. It consists of two types of object: MTrack uses particles to create the trails and can be influenced by particle spacewarps, and GTrack, which creates the trails using geometry and can be collapsed to a mesh.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Sisyphus Software Special Purpose Particles v1.4
684 KB
Particles / Spacewarp
Compiled / Description

SPP consists of two particle systems (Halo and Phasor) and one spacewarp (Vertex Lock). Halo creates a system of particles which rotate in a generally circular path about an axis, Phasor creates a system of particles which flow from one end of the icon to the other in a wavelike path, and Vortex Lock is a particle motion controller which 'grabs' particles, spins them into a whirling vortex, then locks them into a stable rotation path.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes