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11 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Alfio Trabuio Qumarion Controller v1.0
62.2 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a modified version of Alfio's Float Controller which makes it possible to control the Qumarion Humanoid Input Device.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Alfio Trabuio Alf Float Controller v3.0
17.9 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a controller which makes it possible to control a float using an editable graph. Applying this to a translation or a rotation makes it possible to create skeletal procedural animation.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
BlurDev Transform Cache v1.0
454 MB
Compiled / Description

This is a cache controller that works at the transform level instead of the vertex level - good for working with non-deforming objects and much lighter than PointCache.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
David Baker Motion2 v1.0
105 KB
Compiled / Description

This is exactly the same as the motion.dlc that ships with Max, except that it adds another 16 MIDI tracks to the controller.

You'll need to rename the file called 'motion.dlc' in the Max stdplugs folder to 'motion.dlc.old' and then copy the file you need from the zip file into the stdplugs folder.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Felix Joleanes Animatable Pivot v1.0.6
279 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a transform controller useful to animate objects around a specific pivot that can be animated. It can be used to animate the translation of objects that have to spin around their corners, for example a box rolling over the surface of the ground or a foot pivoting in the heel and later in the toes. This Controller also has an advantage compared to other kinds of animatable pivot methods: it is animator friendly in terms of pivot editing and keyframe manipulation.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Felix Joleanes IKFK Solver v1.1.5b
553 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a solver that enables the animator the use of both IK (inverse kinematics) and FK (forward kinematics) in the same hierarchy, making it useful for all kinds of character limbs. The animator can easily switch between the modes using the IKFKBlend value. A value of 0.0 sets the hierarchy in forward kinematics mode, meaning that the movement of each node is inherited to its child. In this mode the animator can easily define arcs of movement. A value of 100 sets the hierarchy to inverse kinematics mode, meaning that the nodes will try to reach the position of the IKGoal helper. In this mode the animator can easily attach the foot or the hands of the character to the ground or other objects.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Grant Adam / Brad Noble Virtual Segment v1.0
726 KB
Compiled / Description

Developed as part of the free Skeleton Rig from Brad Noble, this controller enables the use of spline-based curves on the limbs without it slowing down the rig.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
HABWare Billboard v9.1
83.4 KB
Compiled / Description

BILLBOARD is a modified version of the LookAt controller. It adds a 2D option which allows you to handle avatars in a scene. FLATPEOPLE is a special LookAt Controller, which allows you to selectively inherit the target rotation and roll.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
HABWare Roller v9.1
66.3 KB
Compiled / Description

ROLLER is a controller to roll a wheel (or a coin ...) along a path. FOLLOW is a controller to follow a rolling wheel, without rolling the object.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Peter Watje Particle Control v1.03
31.1 KB
Compiled / Description

This is very similar to the Path Controller, except it follows a particle.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes

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