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6 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Digimation, Inc. Diginoise Controller v1.0
19 KB
Compiled / Description

Diginoise is a free noise animation controller that provides you with a little more control over how noise animation can be created.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
HABWare Roller v2.1
43.6 KB
Compiled / Description

A controller to roll a wheel (or coin etc.) along a path.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Kees van Prooijen Arts and Entertainment MControl v1.0
66.7 KB
Compiled / Description

A Transform Controller plugin for Max. The behavior of these controllers can be compared to Linear and Smooth Rotation, but rather working on any transformation. They will interpolate between any keyframe transformations, but won't give control by function graphs. This is because the transformations are not decomposed into translation, rotation and scaling parts. The good thing is that the user is free to combine transformations in any order, switching between coordinate systems as he or she pleases.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Larry Minton / Avguard Animation Attachment Controller 2 v1.0
33.4 KB
Compiled / Description

The Attachment2 controller is a derivative of the Attachment controller. It maintains the orientation of the node it is applied to as the control node is rotated.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Mondo Media Controller Pak v1.0
64.3 KB
Compiled / Description

Collection of custom animation controllers for all Float, Point3, Position, Rotation, and Scale values (except for the Object controller). Includes: Bake, Derivative, Ease, Harryhausen, Limit, Multiplier, Object, Pulse, and Spring.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Trioptic WaveAnalyzer v1.0d Beta
89 KB
Compiled / Description

WaveAnalyzer Controller is a plugin that does a proccess known as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). It takes a sound as a waveform, calculating the frequencies that the sound consists of, and finally driving an animation based on frequencies that are preselected by the user.