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141 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Eduard Ivanov Auto Consistent Move Objects By Axis v1.0
R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $14
This commercial MAXScript allows you to instantly animate the sequential movement of objects 'one by one' along an axis. You can set the intervals between object movements and the amount of movement along the axis. It will save you hours of animation.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Efim Armand DriverMaster v1.4
R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 $50
DriverMaster is a tool that will automatically create a 4-wheeled car rig in Max. You can easily animate the motion for the vehicle manually or by using a curve in the scene. The script will also make the wheels stick to the ground, even if the ground is a terrain. DriverMaster gives you a fast set up, dynamic suspension, automatic wheel ground contact, automatic wheel rotation and offset attributes for adjusting/animating your car on top off the generated animation.

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Eloi Andaluz Pinball Pro v1.0
R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 $45
Pinball Pro is a game for Thinking Particles, but at the same time it is a new workflow, a source to learn Thinking Particles tricks and improve your skills, a proof of concept of what is possible without going out of Max, and of course a high quality Pinball with original textures totally modifiable and configurable.

Pinball Pro is based on TP bullet physics with a rules-based aproach, and shows you how to do the following:
- Create a realtime game using TP and Bullet physics together with Max motion capture
- Create an AI using TP that plays for you
- Create a realtime points system
- Connect rules to control dynamic lighting in your scene following your game
- Bounciness for the ball when hitting bouncers
- Set up the system for the flippers
- Point squares animate down when a ball touches them
- Move the pinball table when the ball stops
- Realtime physics with complex geometry like the rails
- Totally customizable: move the elements you want and see how everything interacts as it should

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Eloi Andaluz Demolition Master v1.8
R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 $45
Demolition Master is a tool based on Thinking Particles for making quick and easy destruction. It will obviously only work if you have Thinking Particles installed. Features include:
- An interactive dynamic demolition system
- Procedural bullets
- Concrete, wood, glass and steel materials with specific parameters
- Full destruction control
- Instant debris creation for concrete, wood, steel and glass materials
- Instant interaction with FumeFx (FumeFX isn't required to use the plugin)
- Thinking particles tool, so you can refine all parameters for your needs
- TP dynamic solver, concave and convex objects supported
Support for Bullet physics

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Eloi Andaluz Radius Effector v2.21
R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 $38
Radius Effector is a blackbox for Thinking Particles, and is based on Cinema4D's Mograph tools. It helps you to create animations (rotation, scale, position, material) on a large number of objects without creating lots of keyframes, only based on a distance from a null object. You get direct feedback from your modifications, and there is an option to break your object apart based on it's faces with just one click. You can also use gravity and Bullet physics to destroy your objects quickly and easily.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
EPHERE Inc. Ornatrix v8.1.8.35392
R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $599
Ornatrix is a hair solution plugin for Max. Starting from scratch it allows you to create, model, animate, and render any type of hair, fur, and almost any other fiber-based object you can think of.

By having a collection of innovative tools at your disposal you can quickly and intuitively set up great looking hair much like a real hair stylist does - style it to your needs. Because Ornatrix is so closely incorporated into Max interface, its skills will come naturally to Max users. Provided help and tutorials will get those new to the field up and running in no time.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Exlevel GrowFX v2.0.1
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 $325
With GrowFX you can create broadleaf-trees, conifers, palm trees, flowers and many other types of vegetation. Unique building mechanisms help to create creeping plants which can entwine any scene object. GrowFX is totally integrated into Max and all the parameters can be animated, eg. wind, plant growth, etc.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Faceware Technologies, Inc. Faceware Retargeter Studio Plus v5.9
R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 $899 per year
The Faceware Retargeter utilizes the .IMPD file created from the Faceware Analyzer software, and allows the user to create facial animation at a much faster rate than traditional methods. The Retargeter combines the performance of an actor and the artistic hand of an animator to set keyframes on your facial rig and create a more complete blocking of your facial animation. This allows the user to spend less time blocking, and more time polishing for realistic facial movements. The Retargeter can be used on any type of facial rig, and in different software packages, letting the animator work in a familiar environment and workflow.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Firat Kiral InstantRig v1.52
R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 $39
InstantRig is a modular auto rigging system that helps riggers to create flexible, animator-friendly and production-quality rigs in minutes. InstantRig allows everyone to create all kind of creature rigs, its simple interface makes rigging easy for beginners.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
FXGear, Inc. ezCloth 2015
R2008 R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 $4900
ezCloth is a plugin for creating physics-based cloth animation which can easily build up cloth effects on existing skinned characters with just a few clicks. ezCloth simulates the bones, not the skinned mesh itself, and the collisions between skinned mesh and collision objects are resolved by adjusting the bone rotations to avoid interpenetration.

You can modify the material properties of cloth with a simple set of parameters and add wind fields to an ezCloth object for dynamic effects. ezCloth provides motion re-sampling, pose blending and smoothing filters for post-processing of the simulated results.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes

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