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244 records match your query.
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Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Piotr Lancucki MaxMechanic v1.0
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 $60
MaxMechanic is a commercial MAXScript that can automatically scan your entire scene, finding and solving the most common technical problems that can cause low efficiency. It also comes with a number of powerful modules to clean meshes, convert materials and bitmaps, find missing assets and many more useful tools for your everyday work.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Trykle CloseMaxScript v2021.03.28
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 $99
This commercial MAXScript offers a way to encrypt and protect your MAXScripts.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Grant Adam RPManager v7.3
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 $300
RPManager is an extension for Max which makes the task of managing multiple render passes from a single scene file efficient and user-error free. It allows unlimited render passes in your scene, and it brings all relevant render parameters into the one interface, controlled and restored by the RPManager engine. The few less used (in a per pass sense) or user custom render parameters not included in the RPManager interface can be controlled through the BeforePass and AfterPass scripts - if you need something done per pass and it is not in the RPManager interface but it is scriptable, then RPManager can still control this on a per-pass basis.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Jerome Prevost SolidRocks v2.4.1
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 €74
SolidRocks is a scripted plugin which automates the complex process of rendering setup in V-Ray. You just choose the image size and quality you need, and click on 'Render'.

The purpose of SolidRocks is to give you the best of the V-Ray engine without needing any knowledge of its internals. It adjusts all of the V-Ray settings according to the chosen resolution and quality, trying to attain the best render-time to quality ratio.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Kostadin Kotev miauu's Objects Replacer v1.9
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 €6
miauu's Objects Replacer offers you an easy, fast and powerful way of replacing objects or groups with another object or group (copy, instance or reference). It has a lot of options that the replacing object can inherit from the object it replaces such as transformation, material, position, rotation, scale, dimensions, name, layer, parent, children and wire color. When replacing groups you can choose to treat the group as a single object or to replace all objects in the group and to keep the hierarchy. If the object being replaced has children you can choose to clone them or not (the hierarchy will be preserved). If you are replacing an instanced object, you have an option to replace all of the instances with the new object.

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Kostadin Kotev Scene Notes Pro v1.5.02
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 €11
Scene Notes Pro allows you to add notes to your scene using 9 predefined categories - Animation, Lights, Materials, Modeling, Rendering, Rigging, Texturing, Unwrap and No Category. Each one of these caterogies has its own icon and color so the notes can be easily visually separated when you check them. All notes are permanently saved to the .max file and can be accessed at any time by any user from supported Max versions with the script installed and the .max file opened.

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Nikita Gushchin FloorGen Tools v1.5.4
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $8
FloorGen Tools is a commercial MAXScript to enhance your workflow with the FloorGenerator plugin. It allows you to easily create flat objects from a selection and add FloorGenerator modifier instances, pick a FloorGen instance to replace the current modifier and apply local transformations without killing the FloorGen instances.

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Jahman and Nik DropToSlate v1.30
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $11
This commercial MAXScript enhances the way you work with textures in the Slate material editor. You can drag bitmaps in the correct format for the renderer you are using, resize textures proportionally, set up size presets in any units and many more useful features.

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
ArchVision, Inc. RPC v4.0.5.0
R2014 $249 per year
This plugin provides you with the ability to place, edit, create, and render all types of RPC content. It also comes with a free RPC mental ray shader.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Artur Leão FumeFX Submitter v1.0.25
R2014 R2015 R2016 €5
FumeFX Submitter is the perfect tool to manage your FumeFX simulations. It lists all the grids in your scene and allows you to calculate your simulations using a version and token based system, automatically setting up all paths for you for each grid. You can also increment the Max file version as you go.

Some of FumeFX Submitter features include:
- Works with Deadline 5.2
- Path setting with token base system, with support for FumeFX properties, Max directories, cache state
- Deadline submission with dependencies for default, wavelet, retime and render, per container or render all
- Data is persistent to the FumeFX container, so it can be merged into a new scene
- E-mail notifications
- Twitter notifications (can be used to get SMS notifications)

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes

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