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141 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Nikita Ostapets Bone on Spline v1.5.1
R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 $10
This commercial MAXScript animates bones along a spline, which can be useful when animating worms, snakes, etc.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Norberto Aguilera Stop Motion Generator v1.0
R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $12
This is a commercial MAXScript which allows you to create a stop motion look on an animated Biped rig.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
OC3 Entertainment, Inc. FaceFX 2022.1
R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 $899
FaceFX is a cutting edge solution for creating realistic facial animation from audio files. It makes it easy to batch process thousands of audio files for your game, add expressions to a single animation without ruining the lip-synchronization, tweak an animation to perfection, or integrate the entire solution into your art pipeline. With direct support for the FBX file format and plugins in 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage, and MotionBuilder, FaceFX interfaces seamlessly with the best tools in the business.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Oormi Creations MaxGrass v2.0.0
R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 $8.85
MaxGrass is a commercial MAXScript for creating realistic grass and vegetation with a single click. The script can also animate the grass/vegetation growth in a completely natural way.

No plugins of any kind are needed. It does not use hair or particles, it creates real geometry so that you get total control on each blade or leaf and the results are ideal for close up shots. Several parameters have been provided to get an infinite variety.

MaxGrass caters to beginners as well as advanced users. You can click just one button to start off, or you can customize many aspects of the grass/vegetation, such as use of custom models as seeds, custom grounds, distribution/height/color maps, various animation parameters, materials and much more. The script also has an Environment creation function to create Sky, Sun and Clouds with correct colors depending on the Sun's position in the sky.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
pmG Worldwide, LLC. messiah:Studio 6.0
R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R2008 R2009 R2010 R2011 $499 / $1195 (Pro)
messiah:Studio is a powerful addition to Max, allowing you to animate in messiah while automatically updating Max. One of messiah's many unique capabilities includes the ability to set up an animation and, through messiah's Max connection, run that animation and use it in Max as if you were working solely in Max. Another favorite is messiah's 'smart bones', that work the way you want immediately, without requiring weight maps (though weighting systems can be used too).

The standard version only supports 32-bit systems and dual CPUs, the Pro version also supports 64-bit systems and multi-core CPUs.

messiah comes with plugins for Max 4 to 8, the plugins for Max 9 to 2011 can be downloaded here.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Raylight S.r.l. XRay CAT Survival Toolkit v1.5
R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 €49.99
Designed specifically as a plugin for CAT in Max, XRay CAT Survival Toolkit provides the user unprecedented improvements in speed, ease of use and real-time options, all to help increase pipeline work speed. It's features are designed to improve the main aspects of CAT:

- Rig Creation
CAT ST offers a set of shortcuts to the most useful Max functions regarding the creation and setup of a new rig
- Layer Manager
Raylight have designed a new, friendlier user interface to easily manage all the CAT layers and their properties, to instantly switch between 'Setup' and 'Animation' mode, and much more
- Pose Manager
An enhanced Pose Manager, which allows you to copy and paste poses, mirror the rig, swap arms, hands, legs and feet with only one mouse click. In addition, all rig poses are stored with a preview image to easily retrieve them when you need, and a Limb Animation section is included to switch between IK and FK mode when animating a limb
- Clip Manager
This simple tool allows you to manage (load, save and delete) all your CAT clips. Very useful if you need to backup all your CAT layers and load them into another rig

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Raylight S.r.l. Rattle v1.0
R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 €9.99
Rattle is a commercial MAXScript that manages noise in different ways in your scene and animations. It's easy to use Rattle on animation controllers, whether on a single object or a multiple selection. You can use also the noise deformers to add noise to your meshes and giving your scene some variation.

Features include:
- Relative noise controllers
- Noise position controller
- Noise rotation controller
- Noise scale controller
- Noise deformer
- Noise bend deformer
- Noise twist deformer
- Compatible with Max bones
- Compatible with Max CAT
- Compatible with cameras
- Compatible with all standard objects

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Raylight S.r.l. EasySkin v1.0
R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 €19.99
EasySkin considerably reduces the time needed for the skinning process with the help of various tools and enhancements. It uses a reorganized and revised interface higlighting the most useful tools and options for the Max skin modifier to speed up the skinning pipeline. It also adds the bubble system which creates spheroidal envelopes giving a smoother nuance and creating a better harmony between vertices. Using just a few commands you can now set envelopes in a quicker and smoother way.

Features include:
- New fast editing system for envelopes
- New bubble envelopes system
- Integrated vertex weight tools
- Simplified paint weight tools
- Easy and fast mirror tools
- Regrouped and revised UI

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
RedFX MotionFX v2.2
R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $29.45
MotionFX is a commercial MAXScript for motion graphics and visual effects in Max.

Features include:
- Intuitively designed interface
- Dynamically triggered animations
- Every 3D object is animatable
- Custom anchor point control
- Control over positioning of 3D objects
- Control over rotation of 3D objects
- And much more...

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
RedFX AnalyticsFX v1.3
R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 $29.45
AnalyticsFX is a powerful commerical MAXScript for creating animated charts based on user data. It is useful for creating infographics, motion graphics, business presentations, financial analytics, etc.

Features include:
- Intuitive design interface
- 30 types of charts
- Animation controls
- Texture support
- Modifier support
- And much more...

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes

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