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141 records match your query.
Displaying 10 entries per page.

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Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
3d-io games & video production GmbH BonesPro v4.86.00
R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 €299
BonesPro is a sophisticated, fast and optimized technology for organic skinning of characters and objects in Max. It allows you to create high quality skin meshes rapidly with easy-to-understand bone influences and vertex assignments, impressive real-time skin-deformations and special-effects.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
3d-io games & video production GmbH BonesPro v4.73
R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 €299
BonesPro is a sophisticated, fast and optimized technology for organic skinning of characters and objects in Max. It allows you to create high quality skin meshes rapidly with easy-to-understand bone influences and vertex assignments, impressive real-time skin-deformations and special-effects.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
3DBrother Software 3D Architecture Animation Creator v1.2
R6 R7 R8 R9 R2008 $99 / $199
3D Architecture Animation Creator is a scripted plugin which can help designers quickly create animations, especially architectural growing animations. It gives you easy control over the creation of position, rotation, scale and visiblity animations for multiple objects.

The Pro version additionally gives you control over the speed of the animation, batch adjustment of pivot coordinates and the ability to add a certain amount of randomness to your animation.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
3dCutout.com 3dCutout v1.5.8
R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 €200
3dCutout is a collection of MAXScripts that allow you to produce cutout animations. 3dCutout converts Max into a user-friendly software with a load of new tools to help you create your own cutout animation, among them a Photoshop to Max exporter and a Character Generator rigging tool.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
3DtoAll IKMAX v1.72
R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 $29
IKMAX is a rigging plugin that works by clicking on a mesh to place joints and using sliders to adjust the skinning, resulting in a fast setup that can later be refined using the Max built-in toolset. You can quickly add objects to the rig using the 'Fast Attach' function, it has a one-click skin wrap option for clothing, and all adjustments can be mirrored with one click. You can test the rigging at any time using the 'Animate Test' function that automatically adds animation to your rig.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Anas Yakoub Car Rig Script v1.4
R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 $49
This commercial MAXScript allows you to easily animate any kind of vehicle. You just need to pick your car mesh objects and press 'Create the Rig' to have a full rig plus control shapes for all car movements. Some parameters are adjustable, such as the suspension type, wheel travel limit, suspension position and wheel diameter.

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Anatolii Suprun MoCapture v1.0
R2017 Donationware
MoCapture is a utility plugin that uses video-based technology for motion capture and animation directly inside Max. You don't need expensive equipment, sticky markers, endless importing and exporting from and to several 3D programs. With MoCapture, all you need is to sit down in front of a webcam, act out the expressions you want to apply to your 3D character and watch it happen in real time within Max.

Features include:
- Automatic facial capture without markers and expensive equipment
- Easy setup of links between controllers and manipulators
- Supports any facial rigs, but 'Morpher' modifier-based rigs are recommended
- Supports Float Limit controllers
- Load / Save configuration file
- Supports PC-compatible video capture devices
- Records video stream inside Max

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Andrés Fernández Cruz Place People v1.02
R2014 €14.95
Place People is a commercial MAXScript that allows you to place characters created with Populate anywhere in your scene, either following a 3D spline path or glued to any surface.

Features include:
- Move and rotate 'walkers' and 'standing' characters anywhere in your scene with the mouse
- Glue them to any surface made from a list of geometry objects from your scene
- Create a 'walkers' Flow following a 3D spline path and glued to a surface
- Create a 'standing' people IdleArea from any spline in your scene and glue them to a surface
- Create a queue of 'standing' characters following any 3D path and glued to a surface
- Place any existing 'walker' or 'standing' character anywhere along a 3D spline

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Andrew Whitney HK Voodoo v1.0
R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 $54.99
HK Voodoo is a powerful new tool for character animation in Max. You can track and record facial animation in real-time directly inside the Max viewport, or record voice and data on your mobile device. HK Voodoo uses iOS ARKit to track facial expressions and sends that data to the companion HK Voodoo 3ds Max plugin.

Demo version is available here.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Arda Kutlu Book Rigger v3.0
R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 $20
Book Rigger is a scripted 'one click' Page Turn solution for Max, making it extremely easy to create complex and accurate page and book animations.

Main features include:
- Create and rig a whole book with any number of pages with just one click
- Interactive controls for page properties and turn-land-shuffle options
- The ability to shuffle pages and adjust overall speed using a multiplier
- The ability to assign single/double sided materials
- The ability to assign diffuse textures from animated sequences

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes

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