MAX News Archive
Archived Plugin News – April 2007
30.04.2007 - R9
New Plugin: Utilities
The Mechanical Desktop 2008 Object Enabler is a freeware application that allows object data created in Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 2008 to be accessed in Max 9 (32-bit and 64-bit).
30.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Animation
Changes for v3.0 are:
- Adds support for Max 9 (32-bit only)
SpeechAnimator Pro is available for Max 7 to 9 and costs €400. A demo version is available here.
30.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v1.60 Beta are:
- New independent function for 'Preview Pass', which can now be assigned to a hotkey
- Save Render Element channel activation with pass parameters
- Optimized scene undo
- Adds Englich documentation
Vanilla Pass Manager is currently in open beta, and final release is planned for Summer 2007. The final release will cost $600, and the Beta can be purchased for $360.
30.04.2007 - R8 to R9
Plugin Update: Materials
Changes for v1.1.5 are:
- Adds Voronoi noise
- Adds 'Show map in viewport' option
- Minor bug-fixes
- Files saved with older versions will lose the Output parameters
28.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v2.8 are:
- I don't know! The announcement is on their homepage, but there are no details
Nverse Photo is available for Max 3 to 8 and costs $2495.
28.04.2007 - R9
Plugin Update: Bitmap I/O
Changes for v1.2.3 are:
- Adds support for 64-bit Max 9
28.04.2007 - R5 to R9
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v1.4b are:
- Adds DrawPrimitiveUP() and DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP() support
28.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v2.7.0.19 are:
- Adds support for Max particles
- - Loads of other minor changes, take a look at the ChangeLog
Granny Exporter is available for Max 5 to 9, and is part of the Granny Toolkit which costs $12500.
27.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Connection
Changes for v5.0.1.1420 are:
- Too much to list here, a full list of new features and bug-fixes can be found here
Deep Exploration CAD Edition is available for Max 4 to 9 and costs $1995. A demo version is available here.
27.04.2007 - R8 to R9
New Plugin: Materials
Updated: This is an advanced version of the Noise material, adding the following noise functions: Cell, fBm, Perlin, Periodic, Turbulence. It also has a fractal option, but it's not really finished yet.
26.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Animation
Changes for v1.0a are:
- Adds 2 simulation licenses (SL), for computing the simulation using Backburner
- Improved multithreading code (simulations run up to 30% faster on multi CPU/core machines)
- About box now contains re-authorization options for Full and Sim license types
- GI multiplier now works for V-Ray as well as finalRender
- A load of bugfixes (full list here)
FumeFX (including 2 simulation licenses) is available for Max 7 to 9 and costs $795. Additional simulation licenses can be purchased for $195 for a pack of four.
25.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin Update: NodeJoe Public Beta 0.82 available
The developers of NodeJoe have released a new public beta version for testing (v0.82).
Changes for v0.82 beta are:
- Adds 'Show Map in Viewport'
- Adds 'Select By Material'
- Sections of the material pool can now be collapsed by double-clicking on the header
- CTRL + dragging moves the selected node with the complete subtree
- The option 'Enable Max Drag'n'Drop' is now saved in the NodeJoe configuration file
- Bigger preview images are now possible when using VRAY
- The zoom range has been increased
- Adds a new shortcut that allows you to close NodeJoe with a key-stroke
- Starting Max with NodeJoe installed is now quicker
- Network rendering has been optimized
- Fixes a minor drag'n'drop bug
- Fixes a crash when saving multi-mats with missing slots
- Fixes problems with Mental Ray in combination with network rendering
- Fixes a bug with the NodeJoe entry in the main menu
- Occasional crashes while closing Max (6 - 8 only) should now happen less often
24.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin Update: MAXScript Extensions
Helium v1.10 from Kees Rijnen
Changes for v1.10 are:
- Fixes a spinner bug
24.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin Update: MAXScript Extensions
Helium v1.09 from Kees Rijnen
Changes for v1.09 are:
- Fixes a problem where the title bar colors were being inverted
24.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v2.33 are:
- Horizontal shadows are now properly aligned with the surface defined by Planes Surf
- Custom Mesh now supports objects with multiple UVW maps
- Fixes some bugs in the installer and adds compatibility with Viz 2008
The free 'Lite' version of Forest Pack has also been updated.
Forest Pack Pro is available for Max 4 to 9 and costs €250. A demo version is available here.
23.04.2007 - R9
New Plugin: Utilities
The Civil 2008 Object Enabler is a freeware application that allows object data created in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 to be accessed in Max 9.
23.04.2007 - R3 to R9
Plugin Update: Miscellaneous
Changes for v1.1.2.0 are:
- Fixes vertical scrolling
23.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v9.01 are:
- The software no longer needs to be reactivated when the internet connection is off
- 3D file formats are now supported even if DirectX 9 is not setup on the computer
- Lightwave files with textures weren't being read correctly
- DirectX export no longer fails if the scene has group nodes
- Fixes the search function not using criteria
- Show directory size command now works properly
- The album area in the status bar now works
- Empty directories are no longer created when running an independent slide show
3D Photo Browser is available for Max 4 to 9 and costs $69. A demo version is available here.
21.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin News: Renderers
Next Limit have announced the upcoming release of Maxwell Render v1.5, scheduled for mid-May, which will bring a great number of improvements, new features and enhancements for new and existing customers. You can find the press release here.
21.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v7.23 are:
- The software no longer needs to be reactivated when the internet connection is off
- 3D file formats are now supported even if DirectX 9 is not setup on the computer
- Lightwave files with textures weren't being read correctly
Polygon Cruncher is available for Max 4 to 9 and costs $129. A demo version is available here.
20.04.2007 - R5 to R9
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v1.4a are:
- advanced texture capture: now can capture POOL_DEFAULT textures
- better renderstate verbose
- new import option: ignore if RGBWRITE is disabled
- fixed: installer does not retrive Max 5.x path correctly
- fixed: crash when output directory does not exists
- fixed: crash on pre-transformed vertices
- fixed: buffer overrun in myWinExec() with long strings
19.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin Update: MAXScript Extensions
Helium v1.08 from Kees Rijnen
Changes for v1.08 are:
- Nodes can now have shadows
- Nodes can now have title bars
- Seperators can be added
- You can control which node is drawn last if you want a certain node to stay on top
- Node labels are now drawn in white when the node color is too dark to read the black labels
19.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Animation
Changes for v2.2 are:
- Fixes several UI glitches related to syllabic text input usage
- Fixes 'use current wave file' not recognizing the current wave as valid
- Fixes empty visemes issue that was corrupting .vom file
Voice-O-Matic is available for Max 6 to 9 and costs $349. A demo version is available here.
18.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin Update: MAXScript Extensions
Helium v1.06 from Kees Rijnen
Changes for v1.06 are:
- I don't know at the moment, when I find out I'll add it here
18.04.2007 - R9
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v0.2.17 are:
- Fixes the 'Some textures are missing' bug
16.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Connection
Changes for Build 290396 are:
- Too many to list, you can find all the changes here
Vue 6 xStream is available for Max 7 to 9 and costs $895. A demo version is available here.
16.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin Update: NodeJoe Public Beta 0.81 available
The developers of NodeJoe have released a new public beta version for testing (v0.81).
Changes for v0.81 beta are:
- Reset-Bug fixed
- Output-Shader crash fixed
- NodeJoes filehandling has been completly rewritten
- Networkrendering now works on rendernodes without NodeJoe
- Files saved in Max with NodeJoe installed can be opened in versions without NodeJoe
- Files saved with Beta 0.8 will be converted to the new 0.81 format automatically
- All NodeJoe-nodes can be accessed and animated via the Trackview
- General improvements in stability (mostly rendering and multithreading)
13.04.2007 - R9
Plugin News: Max 9 Productivity Booster Revision 2
Autodesk have released a revised version of the Productivity Booster for subscription customers.
The revision addresses the following areas:
- Fixes files not being read from / saved to a folder whose name contained multibyte characters
- Biped anchoring keyframing tools are now available
- Fixes an instability problem with edge chamfers on objects with no mapping coordinates
Users who installed the previous version of the Productivity Booster should download and install Revision 2, which will update the previous version. There is no need to uninstall.
13.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Renderers
Yesterdays build 1197 was missing a few non-vital files, these are included with 1198 once more. No other changes between these two build exist. It is now available from the SplutterFish FishMarket Account (if you have upgraded to Brazil r/s v2).
13.04.2007 - R9
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v1.04 are:
- No changes, just recompiled for Max 9 (32-bit only)
13.04.2007 - R9
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v1.11 are:
- No changes, just recompiled for Max 9 (32-bit only)
12.04.2007 - R7 to R9
New Plugin: MAXScript Extensions
This extension is part of the Region Renderer tool (RRtool), which allows you to render your scene directly in the viewport by drawing a region to be rendered. A help file is also available here.
The 64-bit version of the plugin was recompiled by Vladislav Gavrilov and can be downloaded here.
This plugin is not for commercial use, if you want to use it commercially, you can buy it here.
12.04.2007 - R9
Plugin Update: MAXScript Extensions
Changes for v1.0 are:
- No changes, I just recompiled it for Max 9 (32-bit only)
12.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin News: New Schematic Material Editor enters public beta test
NodeJoe is a schematic material editor that provides an intuitive, clearly arranged graphical UI to create, analyse and modify materials and textures within Max. The working area is zoomable and draggable, presenting an interactive preview of materials, including all submaterials and subtextures, as well as showing their dependencies between each other. The integrated automatic layout provides a clearly aligned diagram to give you a clear overview of the relationship between existing materials within the current scene.
NodeJoe will be a commercial product, but the developers have released a beta version for testing.
12.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Renderers
The fourth new build of Brazil r/s v2, build 1197, is now available from the SplutterFish FishMarket Account (if you have upgraded to Brazil r/s v2). You can find a full list of changes here.
11.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin News: BodyPaint 3D R3.1 available
MAXON have released a free service update for BodyPaint 3D Release 3. All areas of the software have been fine-tuned, and the application has been optimized for the latest operating systems. It also contains a number of bug-fixes.
BodyPaint 3D is available for Max 6 to 9 and costs $895. A demo version is available here.
11.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Renderers
Changes for v0.997b are:
- Adds new entity Render To Texture
- Adds new entity Load Scene From File
- Adds new entity Load Scene From Url
- Improved real-time performance for a large number of visible objects
- Memory usage optimized for a large number of objects
- Spot Light map size value now works correctly even if map is not a power 2
- Orth. viewports are no longer changed to perspective viewports on scene updates
- Several little bug fixes
Click-VR Visualizer is available for Max 5 to 9 and costs €980. A demo version is available here.
11.04.2007 - R9
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v0.5b are:
- Fixes the bug where normals were being exported with the value '-1.#IND000' instead of something sane
11.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v3.5925 / v3.9085 are:
- Too many to list, the changelog can be found here
RPManager is available for Max 6 to 9 and costs $300. A demo version is available here.
11.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v9.0 are:
- Adds support for Max 9 (32-bit only)
- Drops support for Max 3
- Loads of other new features and fixes, click here for a complete list
The free 'Light' version has also been updated, you can download it here
3D Photo Browser for 3D Users is available for Max 4 to 9 and costs $69. A demo version is available here.
11.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Animation
Changes for v2.521 are:
- Accessing the LengthAxis parameter on the CATParent no longer returns a corrupt value
- Fixes a bug where CAT would sometimes crash when closing down files
CAT is available for Max 7 to 9 and costs $995. A demo version is available here.
09.04.2007 - R9
Plugin Update: Global Utilities
Changes for v1.02 are:
- Adds support for Max 9 (32-bit and 64-bit)
07.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin Update: Render Effects
Changes for v1.13 are:
- Fixes script keys not being evaluated at the time of the current rendering frame
07.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v3.0 are:
- Curve Loop transforms selected edges/edgeloops into smooth curves defined by selected vertices
- Space Loop spaces vertices evenly along selected edges/edgeloops
- Straighten Loop turns selected edges/edgeloops into straight lines
- Circle Loop forms the selected edges/edgeloops into a circle
- Relax Loop relaxes the curvature of the selected edges/edgeloops
- UV Lineup can line up/straighten multiple UV edgeloops simulaneously
- UV Stitch stitches selected uv seam vertices with their corresponding seam vertices
- Similar can now select similar subobject elements based on all currently selected elements
- PolyDraw can now also be used to add new geometry in screenspace
- DotLoop/DotRing can now be used to select multiple dotted loops/rings at once
- SetFlow can now be used on a vertex selection
- The PolyDraw tools are now on average 20-30% faster
- UVW Unwrap selection tools rewritten for Max 8 and higher to work reliably and within UV seams
- CreatePolygon can now also be used on selected edges
- The ViewportCanvas brush can now be interactively resized while drawing
- Colorpicker added to the ViewportCanvas interface to sample color from view
- Additional standard brush added to ViewportCanvas
- Memory leak fixed in PolyDraw and ViewportCanvas
- Fixes a problem with having ShowEndResult turned on in PolyDraw
- Fixes a conflict with the DDS fileformat
PolyBoost is available for Max 5 to 9 and costs $124. A demo version is available here.
07.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Renderers
Changes for v2.0 are:
- Adds support for Max 9 (32-bit and 64-bit)
finalToon is available for Max 6 to 9 and costs $495. Updates cost $95 and can be purchased directly at the cebas shop. All users that purchased finalToon within the last 2 months will get this update free.
07.04.2007 - Commercial
New Plugin: Animation
This is an advanced version of Craft 2-Wheeler, the difference being that Craft 2-Wheeler Extended can follow splines and has an added dimension of physics and configurations possibilities.
Craft 2-Wheeler Extended is available for Max 6 to 9 and costs $695. A demo version is available here.
07.04.2007 - mental ray
New Shader: mental ray Shaders
This is a grass shader written for use with the plugin Super Grass (see below).
07.04.2007 - R6 to R9
New Plugin: Objects
Super Grass allows you to create single grass blades, grass bundles, grass lawn patches or complete grass lawns. Its very flexible interfaces allows the usage of heightfield data, vectorfield data, and probability data in form of maps to influence the position, bending and appearance of each individual grass blade in a complete lawn and therefore additionally allows the visualization of heightfield or vectorfield data sets. Included in the bundle is a special Mental Ray grass shader for Max.
07.04.2007 - R6 to R9
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v0.6b are:
- Adds Architectural material option
- Fixes some bugs in material assignment
- Fixes integration with SuperGrass (another plugin from AFK team)
07.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Animation
Skin FX v2.04 from Lumonix
Changes for v2.04 are:
- Fixes auto-created edge constraints sometimes creating 2-way constraints instead of 1-way
- Draw Constraints now draws a dot at the locked vertex for 1-way constraints
- A new spinner in the Constraint groupbox allows you to scale the draw distance of Constraints
- Added 'Sticky Scale' spinner in case the mesh used by Sticky Bind is being scaled
- Fixed: Custom (User) Constraints were not deleted when the skinfx obj was deleted
Skin FX is available for Max 6 to 9 and costs $189. A demo version is available here.
07.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v2.7.0.18 are:
- Prevents 0-size objects being written out in GrannyWriteDataTreeToFileBuilder
- Prevents 0-sized objects being generated by the file property exporter in Max
- Adds GrannyAbortVariant to terminate a granny_variant_builder without generating the result object
Granny Exporter is available for Max 5 to 9, and is part of the Granny Toolkit which costs $12500.
07.04.2007 - R9
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v0.2.16 are:
- Scale factor added
- Search textures mechanism added
- Naming surfaces convention changed
- Looks like they've dropped support for Max 8
07.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Particles
Changes for v1.06 are:
- Function sub-operator is extended with the options Overwrite X, Overwrite Y, Overwrite Z and Overwrite T for Vector/Real and Vector/Matrix types
Changes for Max 9 32- and 64-bit versions:
- Keep Apart operator is optimized. The performance gain is up to an order of magnitude
- Position Object+ operator functionality is integrated into standard Position Object operator
- Fixes indexing problems for material operators - Material Static / Frequency / Dynamic
- Preset configuration scheme is adjusted for a local user
Particle Flow Tools: Box#3 is available for Max 6 to 9 and costs $495. A demo version is available here.
07.04.2007 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Renderers
The third new build of Brazil r/s v2, build 1184, is now available from the SplutterFish FishMarket Account (if you have upgraded to Brazil r/s v2). You can find a full list of changes here.
07.04.2007 - R6 to R8
New Plugin: Bitmap I/O
PVRTexTool allows Max to import and preview any texture type supported by PowerVR MBX and/or PowerVR SGX hardware including PVRTC, DXT and ETC Compressed formats.
07.04.2007 - R6 to R9
New Plugin: Import / Export
This is the official PowerVR geometry and animation exporter for exporting model data into the optimised PowerVR POD file format.
Features include:
- Optimises data order for PowerVR MBX or PowerVR SGX
- Exports to PowerVR object data format (POD files)
- Supports binary and C header formats
- Multiple vertex and triangle sorting algorithms
- Supports all data types including float, fixed, bytes, shorts, etc.
- Support for bump mapping tangent coordinate system
- Optimised data storage including 'instancing'
- Keyframe and skinning animation support
- Matrix palette batching
- Camera and light information and animation
- Loader source code provided in SDK
07.04.2007 - R5 to R6
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v0.9.2 alpha are:
- Updates the plugin to work with v0.9.2 of the Toi game engine
02.04.2007 - All versions
Site News: Lack of updates
I'm out of the office until Friday, so I won't be able to update the site until then. Dave