MAX News Archive
Archived Plugin News – October 2018
31.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Renderers
Changes for v1.9 are:
- Upgrades to Iray 2018.0.2
- Fixes images not saving correctly when rendering Render Elements/LPEs with backplates
- Fixes a bug where the AI Denoiser was not working correctly with Volta cards
- Adds controls to orient IES profiles that are applied to emissive Iray+ materials
- Adds the ability to flag Iray+ Lights as 'Matte', so they can be used with Matte Objects
- Adds support for camera clipping planes
- Bloom filter controls have been changed to be more intuitive
- Bloom parameters are now exposed to MAXScript
- Firefly Filter control has been re-added
- Various minor bug fixes
Iray is available for Max 2017 to 2019 and costs $295 per year. A demo version is available here.
31.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v3.01 are:
- Set Memory Allocation - Set custom memory limit when using the tool
- Used megabytes - Set the maximum amount of memory in MB
- Auto Garbage Collection - Automatically clean up the memory when working with the tool
- Threshold percent - When free memory is below this amount Auto Garbage Collection is executed
- Use Undo in Prev/Modify - Lets you use Ctrl+Z to undo parameter changes in the dialog / preview
- Print Log Information - Print log information for the tool's actions in the MAXScript Listener
- Save Log Information in a file - Save log information for the tool's actions in the file below
ATree3D Pro is available for Max 7 to 2019 and costs €50. A demo version is available here.
31.10.2018 - Commercial
New Plugin: Utilities
This commercial MAXScript can save the current state of any Max object as a snapshot. This snapshot includes: the base object type with all of it's parameters, all modifiers with all parameters and the applied material with all of the material's settings. The snapshot's data is saved with the selected object and can be merged with it from other files. You can load any previously saved snapshots by selecting the name of a snapshot and pressing the Load button or by double left clicking on the name of the snapshot in the ASnapshots dialog. You can also apply any saved snapshot to other objects by locking the source object, selecting the new target in the scene and then loading the snapshot.
The Pro version also allows you to load any snapshot to multiple targets, save a snapshot from other scene objects into the selected object, set the 'Save snapshot filters' to include/exclude the base object, the modifiers or the material and to set the 'Load snapshot filters' to load only the base object, the modifiers or the material.
ASnapshots Pro is available for Max 7 to 2019 and costs €25. A demo version is available here.
28.10.2018 - Commercial
New Plugin: Utilities
This commercial MAXScript modifier allows you to control the display of objects at render time for each camera separately.
RC Camera Mod is available for Max 9 to 2019 and costs $7. A demo version is available here.
28.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v1.0.27 are:
- Updates the Octane material converter and Octane 4 glossy materials in Max
- Adds the replacement behavior section to the 3ds Max help document
- Adds support for Cinema 4D R20
- Fixes a C4D bug with reflectance roughness not being set properly in inbuilt renderers
- Fixes a SketchUp bug that caused V-Ray renders to fail with non-Latin characters
Laubwerk Plants Kits are available for Max 2010 to 2019 and cost €149 each. A demo version is available here.
28.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Lighting
Changes for Carbon Drop 4 are:
- Gamma control has been added to images
- Light Content Properties have been tabbed to save space and reduce the need for scrolling
- Content Presets are now even easier and faster to use
- Adds batch import of images as Element:Images
- The resolution of a loaded image is now shown on the light properties panel
- Adds support for Houdini 17
- The Maya Connection now supports RenderMan 22
- Fixes compatibility issues with the latest release of Octane Render
- Fixes a potential crash issue when starting the Octane IPR in Maya via HDR Light Studio
- Fixes a Max issue with toggling area lights on and off in V-Ray Next
- Updates the Max Connection to use the new Redshift Render View (Redshift 2.6.24+)
- Fixes a Production Render crash when lights are placed with a latitude of 90
HDR Light Studio is available for Max 2016 to 2019 and costs $995 + $145 per Connection. A demo version is available here.
28.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v2.2.4 are:
- Adds support for Max 2019
- Adds support for V-Ray NEXT
- Engine Switcher switches between Adv and GPU renderer with one click
- The IPR Button works with both engines
- SolidRocks can now start directly in GPU mode if needed
- Clay mode now works with the GPU engine
- Animation Wizards work with both engines
- Presets now handle settings for both engines
- All new V-Ray features are activated by default
- Adds a modern gamma workflow
- The Info Panel now shows correct information depending on the selected engine
- The Mini preview is now 10 pixels larger
SolidRocks is available for Max 2013 to 2019 and costs €74. A demo version is available here.
28.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v1.4 are:
- Adds [Transfom Controllers: Copy or Instance] to copy or instance the transform controllers
miauu's Objects Replacer is available for Max 2009 to 2019 and costs €6.
25.10.2018 - Commercial
New Plugin: Utilities
This commercial MAXScript helps you to convert your animation to keys. It supports:
- Transform animations (PRS)
- Linked animations
- Constraints
- Point cache
- PFSource
- Hair & Fur
- Populate
Animation to Keys is available for Max 2009 to 2019 and costs $3.
25.10.2018 - Commercial
New Plugin: Utilities
Selection Instances Pro is a commercial MAXScript that expands the native 'Select instances' command to allow multiple object instances selection and group instances selection.
Selection Instances Pro is available for Max 2009 to 2019 and costs $2.99.
25.10.2018 - Commercial
New Plugin: Animation
Trackview Filters v1.3.0 from Rodney Scripts
This simple commercial MAXScript helps you to quickly filter out the tracks in the Trackview windows and easily change your tracks without having to open the filter window. You can also use the three buttons at the top of the dialog to open and close different Trackview windows.
Trackview Filters is available for Max 2014 to 2019 and costs $20.
23.10.2018 - R7 to R2019
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v1.6.3 are:
- New Connecter Server rating system for expressing opinions, ratings and emotions towards assets
- Makes some significant additions to the Cinema 4D integration
- Addresses an issue with huge files (HDRI, TIFF, PSD) that caused Connecter to freeze or crash
- Fixes a bug that caused a crash if you click with the right mouse button on the scroll bar
23.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v10.0.21.5 are:
- When streaming a log from Slave, Pulse, etc, the log window now supports text highlighting
- Pulse, Slave, and Monitor no longer perform housecleaning operations when connected to an RCS
- The Linux Deadline Client applications no longer rely on LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find dependencies
- All events for Infrastructure creation can be viewed in the Monitor
- Before Infrastructure creation we now check if the Deadline UBL certificate directory exists
- Improves the error handling when a UBL certificate fails to upload to the Infrastructure
- AWS Portal can no longer create or switch S3 buckets when an Infrastructure is already running
- AWS Portal no longer tries to rollback failed Infrastructures
- Fixes an issue that prevented AWS Portal Slaves from setting their Region properly at startup
- V-Ray license server config settings are now only added to Spot Fleet startup commands if needed
- Adds support for AWS region 'eu-west-3'
- Adds AWS region 'cn-northwest-1' to the blacklist, since it's unsupported
- Fixes the AWS Portal not starting Spot Fleet Requests when the Asset Server IP is empty
- Fixes an issue that would cause Arnold jobs to regenerate .tx files
- Updates the links to the online documentation
- The Console and Log Viewer panels now support text highlighting
- Adds an AWS Info page to the Slave Properties window that shows AWS instance information
- Adds an AWS Instance Id column to the Slave list
- Improves performance when the Slave is dequeuing a task over an RCS connection
- Reduces how often the Slave reads its own state information from the Repository
- The Slave Popup handler system can now handle popups with unicode characters
- Fixes a Region caching issue when the Slave is selecting its Primary License Forwarder
- Fixes a Slave bug that could result in orphaned Sandbox processes when a render is cancelled
- Fixes a Slave issue that could cause Requeue reports to sometimes appear as regular Log reports
- Made final changes to completely fix a memory leak issue in the RCS
- The RCS now performs periodic housecleaning operations
- Disabled support for text selection in the RCS command prompt
- Fixes a License Forwarder issue that stopped forwarding threads from being cleaned up properly
- The GetPathMapping command no longer returns mappings that do not apply for the current OS
- The RepositoryUtils.GetPathMappings function now only returns mappings that apply for the OS
- Fixes a Max 'out of bounds' error in SMTD that occurs if a custom color palette is being used
- Adds support for Cinema 4D 20
- Fixes a C4D submitter bug that stopped it from submitting renders using built-in render passes
- The Houdini ROP submitter now respects Houdini's way of determining which frames need to render
- The Houdini ROP submitter no longer submits nodes that cannot be rendered
- Fixes an issue that could cause the Houdini ROP submitter to submit too many jobs
- The Houdini ROP submitter now sets job dependencies for Fetch nodes properly
- Fixes a crash in the Katana submitter to do with disabled nodes
- Fixes a false positive in the integrated Katana submitter sanity check
- Enables the improved Pipeline Tools workflow in the integrated Lightwave submitter
- Fixes a Maya submitter issue with spaces in filenames that caused problems with Pipeline Tools
- Enables the improved Pipeline Tools workflow in the integrated modo submitter
- Fixes an issue that causes the Nuke submitter to crash when used with Nuke Studio 11.2
- Fixes an Octane issue in the Monitor submitter when passing on the override sampling value
- Adds support for Rhino 6
- Adds Spot support for AWS region 'eu-west-3'
Deadline is available for Max 2010 to 2018 and costs $48 per node per year. A demo version is available here.
23.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Animation
Changes for v3.5.2 are:
- Fixes the auto-updater not appearing automatically when anima starts
- Fixes the auto-updater incorrectly showing an 'expired license' message on render nodes
- Fixes stability issues with alive functionality in Max
- Improvements to the alive connection panel in Max
- Fixes to the Max material translator
- Improves support for the Max Standard material
- Limits the creation of more than one anima project in a single Max file
- Fixes the render preset loading issue in Max
- Fixes stability issues with alive functionality in C4D
- Fixes a hang on exiting in C4D when alive or QuickDrop was running
- Fixes the alive connection when the document was closed in C4D
- Fixes the alive cameras field of view in C4D
- Adds support for Python commands to create .anipack projects
Anima is available for Max 2011 to 2019 and costs €249. A demo version is available here.
23.10.2018 - R2015 to R2019
New Plugin: Utilities
The 3ds Max Security Tools provide immunity against CRP, ADSL, and ALC 3rd party scripts (which can corrupt the Max environment, cause data loss and instability, as well as spread to other systems), and is the most effective way to detect and remove them from Max startup scripts and scene files.
17.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v0.93.15 are:
- Adds 'Save as Version' (for Max versions 2010 and up)
- New option in Batch Proxy Export - V-Ray Proxy Preview types
- Rename/Copy Files - select repeating names (on Apply pressed)
Library Track and Relink is available for Max 2010 to 2019 and costs $9. A demo version is available here.
17.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Particles / Animation
Changes for v6.7 are:
- The fluid solver is now more stable, more predictable and faster than ever
- A new SurfaceForce operator can create a force field to continuously displace particles
- Adds new Water Level particle generator
- Adds a new OpenVDBShape operator, a lightning fast surfacer
- Adds new ShapeDeform operator to procedurally deform objects within thinkingParticles
- New ShapeCutter operator offers true 3D booleans
- Adds Volume Diffusion: a value attached to a particle can now accurately diffuse within a volume
- Multi-Physics brings a more refined and controllable integration of all physics solvers
thinkingParticles is available for Max 2017 to 2019 and costs €540 per year. A demo version is available here.
17.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Octopus v1.14 from RapidMXS
Changes for v1.14 are:
- Adds 'Hold and Release' behavior due to popular request
- Fixes 'Edit Right Click' not working in Octopus Manager
Octopus is available for Max 2013 to 2019 and costs €35. A demo version is available here.
16.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v1.1 are:
- Adds a 'Set distance between cloned objects' parameter
miauu's Extend Clone Tool is available for Max 2014 to 2019 and costs €5.
15.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
DynaMax Beta 2 from Poly Design 3D
Changes for Beta 2 are:
- New Mspheres let you 'sketch out' a model quickly and easily
- Models formed using MSpheres can be 'skinned' for further sculpting
- New Boolean options: 'Quickly union objects' and 'Quickly subtract objects'
- New 'Free Up Memory' tool can be used to make Max run faster
- Topology is now cleaner
- Faster and more accurate algorithm
- Adds a better boolean algorithm
- Many bug fixes
- Fixes a layer problem
DynaMax is available for Max 2015 to 2019 and costs $24.
15.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v0.85 are:
- Adds the ability to duplicate the selected setup
- Adds an Auto Create setup which creates an empty setup for each camera in your scene
- You can now create a New PhysCamera with a setup
- Adds the ability to add unique names for each setup through the new Name module
- You can now batch update the selected setups
- Adds 'Fetch Hdri from Dome' functionality
- Improves batch rendering
- Fixes an issue with Suns / Domes and Cameras that were grouped or linked
- Fixes an issue with custom environment activation
- Adds support for the Daylight System
- Adds support for the Corona Camera Modifier
- Fixes an issue with reordering setups by drag and drop
- All dropdowns are now sorted by name
- Fixes an issue with the Educational version of V-Ray Next
- Both classic and slate material editors are now supported
- Fixes a problem with the Camera modules lock/unlock feature
- When picking or browsing an HDRI the created materials name will be the filename
- Adds a switch button to control which setups to Render
- Changes the render icon to the famous teapot
- The render extension can now be deleted from the preset
- Adds support for Tiff and Targa in the Render Output modules
- Improves UX for the render output
- Fixes Max 2019 version info
- Adds new preset types for the render output (Date as Text, Date as Folder)
- Fixes an issue with the render settings dialog not refreshing
- Changes the help menu to about with version and contact information
- Adds a render progress dialog
- Fixes UI issues in the resolution and timeline module
- Fixes issues with the layer module
- Solves an issue when the camera target was deleted
- Fixes an issue with disabled buttons that could be clicked
- Small UI improovements in all modules
- Fixes problems with modules that were handling materials
- Adds a gradient as default in the background module
Pulze Scene Manager is available for Max 2014 to 2019 and costs €50 per year. A demo version is available here.
15.10.2018 - R2015 to R2019
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v1.11.2 are:
- Adds code to search for and remove all known malicious scripts in Max
15.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Renderers
Changes for v2.6.24 are:
- Renames and re-organizes Redshift Materials / Maps in Max
- Adds support for iToo Rail Clone instanced geometry in Max
- Adds a simple MAXScript interface for Render View
- Fixes a Max bug where RS Bitmap preview can cause a crash
- Fixes a Max bug introduced in 2.6.23 where creating an RS Camera Map can crash
- Fixes a Max bug in logic applying Light Lists and Trace Sets
- Fixes exposure spinners in Max not allowing negative values for Physical, Portal and IES lights
- Fixes a potential performance issue where RS Bitmap would load bitmaps into Max when rendering
- Fixes a Max bug that caused the map mix amount to be ignored by blended bump map shaders
- Adds Maya support for curve rendering via Redshift Curve Sets
- Adds a new flag -keepUnused to the rsProxy command in Maya
- First pass optimizations to scene traversal in Maya improves scene translation time
- Adds Maya support for the environment variable REDSHIFT_FORCEQUITONINTERNALERROR
- Fixes a Maya bug that resulted in incorrect gamma being applied to files
- The Maya DOF focus distance is now clamped to a minimum value of 0.0001
- Adds an initial implementation of the MultiShader node in C4D to simplify ShaderSwitch workflows
- Adds a C4D AssetManager command to switch texture files to their equivalent rstexbins
- Fixes a C4D bug with the handling of UDIM/UVTILE files in the Asset Manager
- Fixes a C4D Camera tag bug where the Allowed Overexposure parameter couldn't be set to zero
- Fixes a C4D bug where the scaling of TFD volumes produced incorrect results
- Fixes a rare C4D crash issue in the ShaderGraph Editor
- Fixes a MacOS C4D bug with cache folder names containing spaces
- Adds Houdini support for the volumes update while rendering a sequence in update mode
- Fixes the Houdini 'IPR Live SOP Level Updates' option not working for ROP nodes
- Fixes a Houdini problem while rendering IES light instances
- Fixes the Houdini problem with multi-layered EXR output files when the $AOV variable is used
- Adds a new 'Redshift Instancefile Preview SOP' node to Houdini
- Adds support for the 'Hosek-Wilkie' skydome model for the Physical Sky shader
- Fixes a bug with deep rendering when using motion-blurred cameras
- Fixes a bug where point clouds wouldn't render if a proxy was instanced
- Fixes a bug that could cause random glitching in shaders that do object-space projections
- Fixes a bug that could ignore new user attributes when rendering in IPR mode
- Fixes a bug that prevented proxy point cloud primitives from being affected by 'light linking'
- Fixes a Jurassic bug which ignored the primary reflection 'angular shift' on the RS Hair shader
- Fixes a bug that caused changing Cryptomatte material names when rendering via RS CmdLine tool
Redshift is available for Max 2013 to 2019 and costs $500. A demo version is available here.
13.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v3.844 are:
- Security: Adds digital signatures to all Wall Worm files (signed by Wall Worm LLC.)
- Visgroups: Adds new Visgroup manager to allow more Hammer-like visgroups
- VMF Importer: Adds new visgroup nodes to VMF Importer to bring in Visgroups
- Settings: Adds new level design setting for Auto Visgroup User
- Display Floater: Fixes the Triggers option not working
- Display Floater: Fixes classification of multi-node brush entities
- QC Importer: Updates QC importer to place Morpher modifiers below any skin modifiers
- Fixes VMT import where the Shader ias LightmappedGeneric but the VMT includes $basetexture3 or 4
- Fixes a bug selecting a sculpt mesh when one of the displacements is missing it's brushnode
- VMF Exporter: Fixes a bug exporting a scene when a displacement is missing it's brushnode
- Convert Scene to Model: Adds new auto-culling options from latest Carver plugin
- Hull Helper: Updates the V-HACD library to version 2
Wall Worm Pro is available for Max 9 to 2019 and costs $50.
12.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Texturing
Changes for v2.36 are:
- Adds unwrapping, uv-packing and texture-baking support for Arnold Renderer
Flatiron is available for Max 2010 to 2019 and costs €299. A demo version is available here.
12.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Verge3D v2.8.1 from Soft8Soft
Changes for v2.8.1 are:
- The Puzzles editor now allows you to add more workspaces that are represented with tabs
- You are now able to create and delete custom-named tabs, and add puzzles in them
- Adds a new local transform puzzle that moves, rotates or scales an object in its local space
- Some additional events were added to the dropdown of the HTML event puzzle
- The Puzzles editor now works properly in the Microsoft Edge browser
- The 'when clicked' puzzle now works for displaced and scaled canvases/containers
- The 'when hovered' puzzle now triggers when the mouse cursor hovers over a group of objects
- The Verge3D plugin is now authorized for inclusion to the official WordPress plugin catalog
- Fixes a bug in the WordPress plug-in when multiple .html files are present in a project folder
- The uploads directory has been separated from code to allow for proper plugin updates
- Fixes some potential security vulnerabilities as per discussion with WordPress developers
- Verge3D apps now load even if some textures are missing making them more fault tolerant
- Annotations are now faded when obscured by geometry
- Blender now exports custom split normals
- The Layer Weight node from Cycles and Blender Internal is now supported
- The Transparency Cycles node is now consistent with rendering
- The App Manager's layout has been rearranged
- 300+ ready-to-use Verge3D examples have been deployed on Verge3D CDN
- The Verge3D User Manual has been made more mobile-friendly
- Fixes an iOS-specific bug with incorrect width resizing after phone orientation changes
- Fixes a Blender script crash after reloaded with F8
- Fixes a Blender bug with objects with multiple armature modifiers
- Fixes a Blender crash when exporting location animation if any of its channels are empty
- Fixes missing triangles when exporting complex geometry due to incorrect n-gon triangulation
- Adds a switch to enable and disable fading of annotations that are obscured by geometry
- The camera rotation speed setting now works correctly on mobile devices
Verge3D is available for Max 2015 to 2019 and costs $290. A demo version is available here.
10.10.2018 - Commercial
New Plugin: Modelling
TopoLogiK v1.0 from Clovis Gay
TopoLogiK is a retopology tool which brings a more procedural, parametric and efficient approach to retopologising in Max. It has a very long list of features, some new and some inspired by tools in other 3D packages such as Blender or TopoGun.
TopoLogiK is available for Max 2013 to 2019 and costs €35.70.
10.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v2.11 are:
- Adds support for linking AutoCAD files
- One click duplicate of Mirzalinks
Mirza Link Manager is available for Max 2012 to 2019 and normally costs €69. For a limited time you can get a license at a 30% discount for €48.30. A demo version is available here.
10.10.2018 -
Warning: Undefined array key "v" in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 52
R2022 R2020
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v9.0.7 are:
- A warning is now displayed when trying to fetch statistics from chunks that are not available
- Broadcast jobs now have the maximum nodes field in the submission view
- The Reparse chunks log function now takes into account the chunk's process exit code
- Statistics samples are now correctly copied over the history chunks
- The maximum working nodes on folders are now calculated correctly
- Statistics samples are no longer skipped on Windows DISKS without an effective name
Muster is available for Max 6 to 2019 and costs $85 per node.
09.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Atmospherics
Changes for v5.0.2 are:
- Fixes FumeFX GPU display offset when grid spacing is very low
- Fixes non-functional FumeFX GPU display on certain combinations of graphic cards and drivers
- Fixes a crash when trying to continue simulation from the current frame
- Adds VDB support for Wavelet Turbulence simulation
- Fixes presets saving error in Max 2014
- Adds support for V-Ray 4
- Adds support for Arnold v5.2
- Adds support for 3rd party VDB caches for FumeFX Standard Shader and Arnold
- Fixes Arnold renderer from rendering fuel instead of smoke
- Adds Standard Shader support for Arnold AOV's - normal, motionvector and depth
FumeFX is available for Max 2014 to 2019 and costs $695.
09.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Texturing
Changes for v1.4.0 are:
- Adds Metal materials (Jewelry, Clean, Special Finish) with support for V-Ray NEXT GPU
- Database fixes to the V-Ray and Corona libraries
- Material Categories are now sorted by Display Name (ascending)
- Updates the licensing libraries
XS Material Presets Pro is available for Max 2013 to 2019 and costs €180.
08.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v2.5.5 are:
- Adds a complete toolset menu
- Partially fixes the problem with paramblock2
- Fixes issues with the UVW map transform tool
- Fixes the behavior of Replicator with groups
- Adds a Replicator option to propagate to instances or not
- Adds a random transformation tool
- Adds a random selection extra
- Code cleanup
- Minor UI fixes and rollout layout changes
DesignToolBox is available for Max 2016 to 2019 and costs $22.99 A demo version is available here.
05.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Animation
Changes for v3.5.1 are:
- Fixes an issue where poses, tags or other information could be incorrectly copied into a project
- Restricts pose editing for system assets to clip/model combinations
- The content browser should now be properly available on the render node versions of the plugins
- The web installer has been simplified to download less and bigger files
- Fixes a Max issue where drag and drop could cause a crash due to the anima plugin being installed
- Fixes a Max issue where anima alive was enabled on the render node version of the plugin
- Fixes a Max issue which caused actors to disappear in the second frame when rendering animations
- Fixes a Max issue with the latest versions of V-Ray which disabled motion blur in anima actors
- General stability improvements to the Max plugin
Anima is available for Max 2011 to 2019 and costs €249. A demo version is available here.
05.10.2018 - R2013 to R2019
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v1.0 are:
- Adds support for KeyShot 8
05.10.2018 - R9 to R2019
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v3.2.1 are:
- Adds support for Max 2019
- Quaternion output is now normalized
- Corrections to vertex alpha color
- Allows for bones' bounding box in animations
- Allows for bone scale in animations
05.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v2.15.3 are:
- Clients now expect a server confirmation when finishing a job and resend the command on timeout
- Updates to SQLite 3.25.1
- Adds a new submitter script for Fusion (thanks to Andrew Hazelden)
RenderPal is available for Max 9 to 2019 and costs €49 per node. A demo version is available here.
04.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v1.71.00 are:
- Adds a 'Show Material by' option to Search / Filter by Material / Map name or class
- Adds a SubTree option to 'Show Material by' to easily find nested bitmaps
- You can now drag and drop any items from 'Show Material by' browser to the Material Editor
- Adds a 'Convert characters' option to 'Rename / Copy Files' (Cyrillic <> Latin)
- 'Rename / Copy Files' now selects repeating names (when Rename is pressed)
- Adds 'Rename / Copy Files' option to 'External Bitmaps'
Bitmap Tracking/Resizing is available for Max 2009 to 2019 and costs $9. A demo version is available here.
04.10.2018 - R2014 to R2019
Plugin Update: Modifiers
Changes for v4.0.20124.01532 are:
- Adds support for Max 2019
03.10.2018 - R2017 to R2019
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v1.1.0 are:
- Adds Blackmagic Fusion integration
- Adds Natron integration
- Adds Adobe Photoshop integration
- Adds an option to add/remove Prism integrations for DCC apps easily in the Prism Settings
- Adds an option in the Project Browser to combine media files (sequences or videos) to one video
- Adds an option to open the Prism installation directories and the current project from the TrayIcon
- Adds hooks which allow project based customizations at specific events
- Adds a button to reset the project scripts in the Prism settings
- Adds high DPI support (experimental)
- Adds .dpx support in the ProjectBrowser
- Adds Maya support for Render Layer
- Maya projects are now set to the currently active Prism project (allows relative texture paths)
- Adds additional Maya export options: import references, delete unknown nodes, delete display layers
- Adds a Maya option to export in the .mb format
- Adds a Nuke option to add a comment, when rendering out images with the WritePrism node
- Adds Houdini support for export nodes: filecache, geometry(out), alembic(out)
- The Houdini $JOB variable is now set to the currently active Prism project (relative texture paths)
- Houdini integration is now added to the preferences folder instead of the installation directory
- When creating an empty Houdini scene, the current desktop is now kept
- Removes multiple options from the 'Create Project' dialog which are now accessible elsewhere
- Fixes various bugs
03.10.2018 - Commercial
New Plugin: Animation
IKMAX v1.0 from 3DtoAll
IKMAX is a rigging plugin that works by clicking on a mesh to place joints and using sliders to adjust the skinning, resulting in a fast setup that can later be refined using the Max built-in toolset.
You can quickly add objects to the rig using the 'Fast Attach' function, it has a one-click skin wrap option for clothing, and all adjustments can be mirrored with one click. You can test the rigging at any time using the 'Animate Test' function that automatically adds animation to your rig.
IKMAX is available for Max 2014 to 2019 and normally costs $45. For a limited time you can get a license for $29.
03.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Utilities
Changes for v1.3 are:
- Changes the way that the 'Replace each group object' works with open groups
- Removes the [Disable undo] option to stop errors when used together with [Delete old objects]
miauu's Objects Replacer is available for Max 2009 to 2019 and costs €6.
03.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Renderers
Changes for v2.6.23 are:
- Adds support for Max object visibility
- Adds bitmap sequence time controls to RS Camera Map in Max
- The RS Volume Material 'absorption_values' parameter is now obsolete and not stored with the scene
- Adds C4D support for per-object opacity through the Visibility parameter of the Display tag
- Adds C4D support for creating texture cache files using the Asset Manager Cache Textures option
- Extends the C4D Asset Manager to include all non-texture assets from the scene
- Addresses a core assertion error when exporting proxies in C4D
- Changes the C4D RSVolume absorption curve parameter into a color ramp
- Adds Houdini support for points instancing in objects with non-constant topology
- Adds Houdini support for particle multiple step motion blur in objects with non-constant topology
- Adds Houdini support for 'w' angular speed and 'accel' acceleration attributes
- Adds a new option in the Houdini RS ROP node to disable automatic promotion of the packed prims
- Fixes Houdini viewport quad and disk area lights direction vector
- Addressed Houdini support of the visibility and matte flags in the volume instancers
- Addresses sphere lights non-uniform scaling using the area size parameters in Houdini
- Addresse Houdini support of instanced lights area size parameter
- Fixes a C4D/Houdini/Katana bug that incorrectly assumed a default gamma of 1.0 for 16-bit TIFFs
- Volume material absorption has been updated to support color ramps
- Fixes a bug in Cryptomatte code that could produce crashes with redshiftCmdLine
- Fixes a bug that could produce corrupt-looking single scattering when geometry goes out-of-core
- Fixes incorrect matte object background colors when using a negative alpha override
- Fixes a bug that would trigger an assert when adding total diffuse lighting AOVs
- Fixes AOV corruption / crashes when rendering with AOVs and transparent incandescent materials
- Adds matte-shadow 'include/exclude from other mattes' support for volume objects
Redshift is available for Max 2013 to 2019 and costs $500. A demo version is available here.
03.10.2018 - R2015 to R2019
Plugin Update: Import / Export
Changes for v1.3.0 are:
- Adds support for Max 2019
- Adds export of animation groups for mesh/camera/light only
- Adds export of animation groups for bones
- Animation group export now includes the 'Export non-animated node targets' option
- Adds support for the Shell material
- Adds options to export the normals and tangents for MorphTargets (or not)
- Updates Shell material recognition
- Fixes a bug to do with MorphTargets
- Deactivates morph tangent export when global tangent export is unchecked
- Adds support for the DirectX Shader material
- Adds postion and rotation for the root node that handles the scale factor
- Adds checkCollisions pickable and showBoundingBox to instance
- Adds showSubMeshesBoundingBox, alphaIndex and physicsImpostor to mesh instance
- Updates the tab index in the Scene Properties window
- Exporting glb no longer writes out extra textures
- Addd an option to overwrite textures
- Converts copy textures to output button to write textures and overwrite textures buttons
- Updates the assemblies
02.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v1.0.2.4 are:
- The Offset value now sets a distance from each side of the object instead of the total distance
- Fixes the base point being incorrectly positioned in certain models
- Changing size with Control points in Object mode with Offset no longer gives wrong deformations
ReDeform is available for Max 2016 to 2019 and costs $20. A demo version is available here.
02.10.2018 - Commercial
Plugin Update: Modelling
Changes for v1.73 are:
- Fixes an error when closing the script in Max 2019 update 1.1
Spline Cleaner is available for Max 2012 to 2019 and costs $30.
01.10.2018 - Commercial
New Plugin: Modelling
DynaMax Beta 1.01 from Poly Design 3D
Dynamax is a commercial MAXScript that allows a Dynamesh-like workflow in Max. Its manner of free-form sculpting removes all need for focusing on topological constraints. It's possible to change the overall shape of any DynaMax object by pushing or pulling, adding various pieces of geometry to combine into one, or even removing geometry in a manner similar to what you can do with Boolean operations.
This script is currently in beta and is probably not 100% stable.
I can't find any details on what versions of Max DynaMax works in, but as it's a script and the YouTube video shows Max 2018, it should work on Max 2015 to 2019. It normally costs $12, but you can currently get a discounted version for $8.40.