MAX News Archive

Archived Plugin News  –  October 2000

Plugin Update: Objects

Changes for v0.86 are: Added 'Affect specular on/off', important for simulating global illumination, added progress bar, fixed problems with diffuse maps.

Plugin Update: Objects

Changes for v0.81 are: Added function - light every 'nth' vertex, it now works with any map that can be displayed in the viewports (bitmaps, checker, gradient, etc), optmized speed of creation of lights, fixed problem with multiplier intensity when changing light every 'nth' vertex.

Site News: Updates

Fixed a number of broken links. I had the wrong URL's for all of Daniel Yu's plugins, and a number of the direct downloads weren't working due to the wrong mixture of upper case and lower case in the links. If you still have problems downloading any of the plugins, try doing a right click on the link, and 'Save Link As...'. This should do the trick!

New Plugin: Objects

With this plugin you can turn any object into a light source. This is done by putting a light on every vertex of a mesh. These lights can be omni or free direct and their color will be defined by: 1) the color of the bitmap texture on every vertex. 2) the diffuse color of the material assigned to the object. 3) the color of the object.

New Plugin: MAXScript Extensions

An extension that provides a large number of functions allowing sub-object manipulation of editable-patches.

Plugin Update: Import / Export

Changes for v1.3.1 include: Post render effects improved, light modifier clone bug fixed, interpolate option added to BMRT radiance options, and various bug fixes. For more information go to the Animal Logic website.

New Plugin: Modifiers

A cloth simulator that can be used for flags, tablecloths etc. At the moment, the only objects supported as collision objects are spheres and boxes.