MAX News Archive

Archived Plugin News  –  August 2014

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.037 are:
- Fixes a crash on mesh generation

Splineland is available for Max 2009 to 2015 and costs €130.

Plugin Update: Animation

Changes for v3.026 are:
- Adds support for Max 2015
- Adds a new installer
- Adds a new activation system

MadCar is available for Max 2008 to 2015 and costs €200. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.0.11 are:
- Minor fixes
- The Plants Kit Freebie now includes 4 exclusive Laubwerk Plants species

Laubwerk Plants Kit 1, 2, 3 and 4 are available for Max 2010 to 2015 and cost €149 each. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modelling / Animation

Changes for v1.9.8 SP2 are:
- You can now use the old algorithm to calculate the Density Graph in the Path distributor
- Fixes some minor bugs

GrowFX is available for Max 9 to 2015 and costs $325. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Utilities

Changes for v27.08.2014 are:
- Adds support for Max 2015

Plugin Update: Animation

Changes for v14.1.2 are:
- Adds support for Max 2015

Craft Director Studio is available for Max 6 to 2015 and costs $1242. The add-on tools from the package are also available as single purchases. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Animation

Rattle is a commercial MAXScript that manages noise in different ways in your scene and animations. It's easy to use Rattle on animation controllers, whether on a single object or a multiple selection. You can use also the noise deformers to add noise to your meshes and giving your scene some variation.

Features include:
- Relative noise controllers
- Noise position controller
- Noise rotation controller
- Noise scale controller
- Noise deformer
- Noise bend deformer
- Noise twist deformer
- Compatible with Max bones
- Compatible with Max CAT
- Compatible with cameras
- Compatible with all standard objects

Rattle is available for Max 2009 to 2015 and costs €9.99.

New Plugin: Import / Export

This exporter allows you to convert your design data to a 3D PDF format from within Max, so you can easily share Max designs and supporting data with anyone, anywhere with the free Adobe Reader. You can let clients interact with your 3D design data without putting your source model at risk or requiring them to download viewer applications.

3D PDF for 3dsMax is available for Max 2012 to 2015 and costs €99. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Global Utilities

Changes for v1.0.2 are:
- Adds support for Max 2014 and 2015

Thanks go to Alan Lewis for updating the installer to work with my recompiles. He upped the version number from 1.0.1 to avoid conflicts with the old installer.

New Plugin: Animation

Fast Animation Surface Tool (F.A.S.T.) has been inspired by Pixar's Presto. It not only speeds up your rigging workflow, but most of all it improves your animation efficiency.

You no longer need to create additional objects to control your rigs, everything is triggered by predefined mesh zones and your mouse movements. This helps prevent scene slowdowns due to adding more elements, and most importantly you can control your rig directly on the mesh, without any visual interference, controller selection or a separate UI.

Fast Animation Surface Tool is available for Max 2010 to 2015 and costs €120.

Plugin Update: Particles / Animation

Changes for v1.64 are:
- Adds support for Max 2015

RayFire is available for Max 2009 to 2015 and costs $385. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.1 are:
- Fixes a bug when the units used are set to inches

Live Measure Pro is available for Max 2009 to 2015 and costs €6.

Plugin Update: Modelling / Animation

Changes for v1.9.8 are:
- Adds a new Trim modifier that lets you trim lines (stems, branches etc.) directly in the viewport
- Adds a Revert erased lines button to the Eraser modifier
- Copy/Paste now works between all graphics
- Adds a visibility toggle for the paths list
- Adds some new MAXScript functions
- Removed SubDivs parameter from the Preferences and improved algorithm for the Path distributor
- Improved algorithm for the Zigzag direction modifier
- Some minor bugs have been fixed

GrowFX is available for Max 9 to 2015 and costs $325. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.1 are:
- Fixes normals not being set correctly if the modified objects were not world-aligned
- Adds 'Face Center to Normal' button to set all normals to a vector defined by the face center and the vertex

Normal Tools is available for Max 9 to 2015 and the introductory price is $3.95.

Plugin Update: Renderers

Changes for v0.7.3 beta are:
- Increases the internal bias parameter to stop self-occlusion artifacts
- Recompiled using the latest libraries (Qt 5.3.1, VS2013 Update 3, tbb42_20140601oss)

Plugin Update: Import / Export

Changes for v3.18.9 are:
- Fixes a bug position-offseting the cages
- Recompiled using the latest libraries (Optix 3.6.2, JRE 1.8u11)

Site News: Back from Siggraph

Now that I'm back from the Siggraph (I'm still jet-lagged...) things will get back to normal around here now. Updates will be more frequent than they have been over the last month or so, so send in news about any updates that I can post.


Plugin Update: Lighting

Changes for v3.2.0 are:
- New light diffuser types
- New pre-built scenes
- About 35% increase in stability and speed
- Improved memory usage
- Many bug-fixes
- Online reference guide

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.11 are:
- Adds support for Max 2015
- You can now extract a replay path from any existing geometry using face selections
- Adds manual point insertion using CTRL
- Tweak now supports all major transform modes, not just moving vertices
- Adds flip replay sides
- Adds relatively-scaled replay
- Moving close to constrain point allows change of constrain direction
- Improved installer
- Fixes a crash with constrain and point deletion
- Fixes face extrusion breaking in certain situations
- Fixes a problem with selection display

Alles Im Fluss is available for Max 2009 to 2015 and normally costs €55. Until August 22nd you can get a 33% discount which takes the price down to €36.85. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Modelling

Wall Worm's Normal Tools are a collection of utilities to make it easier to work with normals inside Max. The tools are intended to fill out some of the limitations with the current Edit Normals modifier included in Max.

The Normal Tools give you several ways to set the normals on objects in your scene. Methods include using a Helper object for aligning normals, using a helper as a target for normal vectors, and tools for typing in specific normal values. There are also some helpful normal selection tools to help speed up your work flow.

Normal Tools is available for Max 9 to 2015 and the introductory price is $3.95.