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3 records match your query.

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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Guillaume Plourde / Josef Wienerroither HOT4Max v2023.04.18
5.0 MB
Compiled / Description

This is a version of the Houdini Ocean Toolkit (HOT) ported to Max. It is a modifier for creating ocean surfaces based on the Tessendorf algorithm published in the Siggraph 2004 course notes.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Steven Dao iWave Ocean v1.0
5.59 MB
Compiled / Description

This plugin is based on Jerry Tessendorf's ocean simulation course notes from SIGGRAPH. The plugin supports generating ambient waves on an open ocean; at the heart of the process, they use an FFT to sum many individual waves constructed from a statistical model. It also supports dynamic interaction with collision objects using a convolution kernel over a grid of wave points (Tessendorf's 'iWave' method).

The source code can be found here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Steven Dao Tessendorf Ocean v1.0
5.59 MB
Compiled / Description

This is a version of Tessendorf's FFT ocean simulation for Max. The default parameters will produce a calm, rippling ocean surface, increasing the speed produces more turbulent waves. It is animatable by keying the Time parameter, has customizable scale, amplitude, speed, direction and choppiness, the resolution can be specified through length and width segments (like a normal plane), and it automatically generates UV texture coordinates.

The source code can be found here.