MAX News Archive

Archived Plugin News  –  December 2021

Plugin Update: Import / Export

Changes for v3.9 are:
- Adds full support for the SCORM standard, allowing app conversion for use with any LMS
- Improves the quality of ORM textures used in gltf-compatible materials
- Images for ORM textures are now processed much faster
- Fixes some minor UI issues with the Export Settings window
- Fixes the export crash issue with polygons that have zero area, aka degenerate polygons
- Implements the so called afterimage effect, also known as ghosting or motion blur
- Customers who renew or upgrade their licenses no longer have to re-upload their applications
- You can now download everything uploaded to Verge3D Network with a button
- You can now see the file size and upload date for your assets in Verge3D Network
- Adds a Verge3D URL Shortener for generating shortened URLs
- Anti-aliasing (MSAA) is now enabled for all VR scenes
- Verge3D no longer reduces the resolution artificially when working on Daydream or cardboards
- Cardboard devices now only work on Android via Google VR Services
- Fixes the issue with shadows from directional lights that were missing in VR mode
- Greatly improves the VR experience for the Industrial Robot demo
- You can now enable the browser's pointer lock feature for the First-Person camera
- The real-time ambient occlusion feature has been further upgraded
- The AO effect is now applied in the main render pass
- Ambient occlusion now properly mixes with Physical materials
- AO now affects specular reflections using Ground Truth-based Specular Occlusion (GTSO)
- Implements the Bent Normals option for AO
- Ambient occlusion now better works with alpha
- AO now works better with Hemi lights added with the Puzzles or JavaScript
- It is now possible to use ambient occlusion when the camera is switched
- Fixes an issue when AO is used with Ortho cameras
- The puzzle texture from text has been greatly improved
- Adds a new Selector puzzle called get by name
- The new puzzle called unbind element frees the HTML element from following a 3D object
- Adds the puzzles get and set camera param for adjusting the camera on the fly
- The puzzle remove post effects can now remove either all effects or those added by puzzles
- The puzzle set light param now has 3 options to tweak the shadows
- The puzzle print performance profile now warns when asset compression is not enabled
- It will also warn you about any 4k textures or shadow maps used in your scene
- Adds another entry to the Puzzles library called performance tweaks
- The get and set camera params puzzles now has a new dropdown option: keyboard controls
- You can now add linear fog to your scene with the fog puzzle
- The get event property puzzle now has a new dropdown option: target.checked
- Adds a beforeunload option to the dropdown of the event puzzle
- The replace texture puzzle now has a new setting for using canvas/video alpha
- Fixes a bug with dynamic loading when the 3D UI-related setting HiDPI Compositing is used
- Fixes the export bug related to triangulation of small polygons
- Removes deprecation warnings from the Verge3D WordPress plugin when set to debug mode
- Adds documentation for the JavaScript API for constraints
- The converter to desktop applications now suggests 'Windows (64-bit)' by default
- The App Manager setting for Verge3D Network cache age no longer permits negative values
- Fixes a UI issue with the puzzle get gamepad prop
- The legacy variant of the engine now works with IE11 again
- The puzzle get URL data now properly handles special symbols

Verge3D is available for Max 2018 to 2022 and costs $290. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Texturing

Changes for v3.4.0 are:
- Miscellaneous bug-fixes
- Updates the licensing server and libraries
- Adds 18 new Tiles materials (V-Ray (required v.5), Corona (required v.7)
- Adds new FStorm material presets category Tiles with 48 new materials
- Adds new texture maps (30)

XS Material Presets Pro is available for Max 2016 to 2022 and costs €180.

Plugin Update: Texturing

Changes for v1.0.8.0 are:
- Adds partial multithreading, significantly increasing the speed of slicing and updating
- Adds the ability to create non-square patterns
- Adds the Save all QT to scene function so the scene can be transferred to another computer
- Adds the ability to render QT materials after the subscription ends
- The distribution of aspect groups has been improved and has become neater
- In Crop/Center mode, when aspect groups match, the tile switches to Stretch
- Large preview now works without any restrictions
- Updates indicators of container randomization
- The Delete, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V buttons now work in Max 2022 as usual (without Shift)
- The gap color on the Roughness channel is now white by default
- Removes the Autoupdate button
- Adds recognition of texture names based on a template from Polygon
- The interface on 4K monitors is now working properly
- Fixes the 'thick' seams bug after closing/opening the scene
- In PE and Slicer, when clicking on an empty zone, tiles are no longer generated
- Fixes a crash when copying a QT node
- Fixes QT nodes remaining instances after copying
- Fixes normals for circular layouts
- Fixes a crash when enabling circular layout in polygonal patterns
- Large preview is now slightly reduced on opening the Slicer, PE and gap color selection windows

QuickTiles is available for Max 2018 to 2022 and costs $60 per year. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Utilities

This commercial MAXScript automatically finds objects with the same geometry and turns them into instances. This can reduce RAM consumption, scene file size, and save and open times for a scene. The script is especially useful when optimizing other people's scenes and 3D models.

Auto Instances is available for Max 2014 to 2022 and costs $25.

New Plugin: Animation

This is a smart tool to automatically animate a character's face with tracking of the eyes and head position of the character.

AIScript-Face is available for Max 2021 to 2022 and costs $52.